43. The Backstory

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Taehyung and Jeongguk had been dating for more than a year now... They both were going to turn 20 and Jeongguk was preparing for an entrance exam for University. But still they took out time for meeting each other, whenever they could.

"Will you stop eating the batter Gukkie?" Taehyung says with an angry pout and wipes Jeongguk's dirty cheeks from all the batter he ate, while they were baking cupcakes.

"Sorry can't help baby" Jeongguk laughs to which Taehyung hits him on the bicep.

"You go and sit there or else I will ask you to put these in the microwave" Upon hearing this Jeongguk immediately rushes out and sits on the small dining table of Taehyung's rented studio apartment.

"By the way how's your end year project going on Tae?" Jeongguk asks.

"It's going great... Baekhyun and his boyfriend are good and put efforts also" Taehyung puts the tray of cupcakes in the microwave and then turns to Jeongguk.

"Great!" Jeongguk then pulls Taehyung on his lap and says, "I won't be able to see you that much because of studies... you know that right?"

"Yeah" Taehyung pouts and looks down.

"Promise me you will take good care of yourself... I will call you frequently. Ok?" Jeongguk asks.

"Okay" Taehyung smiles at him and then leans in for a kiss. The kiss was gentle with all the love, that they confessed to each other few days back, poured into it... A feeling of separation fills in their heart as they end the kiss. But for Jeongguk's future Taehyung was ready to do anything. He has already decided to go along with Jeongguk... in whichever city's University the other gets accepted in... He doesn't have big dreams but he wants to pursue something related to art and he will not rush things with it...

They both enjoy their evening together and Taehyung prepares to meet Baekhyun for the project tomorrow. They decided to meet at a café near Taehyung's place. He and Baekhyun turned out to be good friends after being partners in the same project... Although Baekhyun's boyfriend, Yongbok was always a bit off but still he liked hanging out with them. They were his only friends in the high school.

The next day Taehyung waits for Baekhyun outside the café they decided to meet at. It was raining quite heavily... and Taehyung just hoped Baekhyun would make it to the café.

He finally spots a familiar figure on the other side of the road and waves his hand. It was Baekhyun holding an umbrella.

"Baekhyun! Here!" He shouts. Baekhyun notices him and waves back. He starts walking towards Taehyung and the next thing happened in a blink of an eye.

A small truck came and hit Baekhyun in the middle of the road. His umbrella flew off and his drenched body fell on the ground. The truck rode off. People from surroundings come and check for the lifeless body of Baekhyun lying in the pool of blood. And Taehyung just stood there for a minute in shock. The people around call an ambulance and Taehyung doesn't know how he found himself in the hospital with police standing in front of him. Across the hall were Baekhyun's parents, grieving over their young son's death.

"Mr. Kim... Baekhyun was coming to meet you... can you tell us what exactly happened?"

Taehyung still in shock looks at the police.

"I- I... He was crossing the r-road and that t-truck..." Realization dawns upon him. He just lost his friend... In front of his eyes and he couldn't do anything to save him. He starts crying. The police nods and starts searching for the driver and when they found him, it turned out he was drunk.

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