all are killers ⚰️

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After some short camp in motor realm many things had happened especially in lan clan
Hangunjn was taken back  unconscious with his elder brother after 2 days he woke up when he woke and he had to take his punishment off 3, 000 lashes for attacking many others and cultivators and try to protect healing patricak after that he was in, coma for 6 month and 2 years seckillusion punishmen at cold pond after finishing his punishment he go toward hangxi  toward his brother and that did he find his soulmate his Ying.
he ask his Big brother where is his soulmate his weying where is he tell me brother where is he
All the time is elder brother lan xiachan was avoiding eye contact with his brother and don't say anything
Suddenly a old man start screaming on him what was it thinking what are you doing have you lost your mind that he will demon did he some kind of craft on you surely he used his black magic on you that is why your talking nonsense you has lost your mind that is why you are saying that demon was soulmate but he was not
He is and don't say a single badmouth about him or either I will forgot that you are my uncle and!
And what unclean ask
He's my soul mate and We are early married even lan ansistear lan yi give us their blessing when we are in cold pond
What ! What did you say, what did you did?
Uncle shouting is forbidden you are forgotting your own rules and yes it is true that we are earlier married even we have consummate our  married
And do you know very well that we lans  fell in love only once in our life and do marriage only once at life and I had already done
Xiachan say wangi I have been always your side I support you all time with this time you're wrong how could you do this he wasn't evil a murderer he murdered his adopted parent s and his sister who love him most and his sister has been too I couldn't do this he's just they advantage of you forgot about him he is a killer in demonic cultivator if clan leader Jiang don't kill him then surely he will kill all the person present in the sunshot camp  he is making cops army  you are too navy to understand it because you love him so much and it was not your mistake because we land only love it once but you have to understand that Stop I said stop don't say him that he's not killer you all are kill don't say him that again for otherwise I will forgot that you are my brother of Glenn later WANGI!..... Lan xiachan shout
What are you shouting for clan leader you all are killer you all kill my soulmate and my  innocent babies did you hear it great  and righteous clan leader in elder you all a killers killers!..
And start cry bitterly betterly he was totally heart broken he does not lost his soulmate but his baby Store at the same day he want to die to but he have to survive because of his soulmate and his babies to justify them give them justice and punish all those people who kill his family he promise hell that he will kill those bastards who had frame his wife he will destroy all of them specially Jiang Chan.
By thinking all this things in his mine is lost his conscious again

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