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- 3rd POV -

Almost everyone was annoyed and stood in a row so they would be able to demonstrate the easy jutsu. All eyes were on Naruto, who had nothing to do other than to complain about it.

Even though they all knew it was his fault, he still doesn't want to admit it.

"I'm starting!" Sakura said, and once she performed the Jutsu, Iruka-sensei praised her, but she rather paid more attention to Sasuke, who didn't even acknowledge her.

After it was Sakura's turn, it was [Name]'s turn, who stood right next to her. [Name] exhaled quietly before transforming into her sensei before dissolving the jutsu after a minute.

"Well done, [Name]" Iruka smiled kindly and looked at Sasuke, who had also performed the jutsu perfectly like [Name].

Iruka was happy there too before he finally looked at Naruto, who had finally stopped complaining some time ago. "Come on, now it's your turn, Naruto!" Iruka said, which made Naruto grin widely as he put his fingers together.

A small noise was heard, and then some smoke was seen. The students, including [Name], looked expectingly at what was happening before they all saw a half-naked woman who looked exactly like Naruto but only in female form.

"WHAAAAT!?" Everyone, excluding Sasuke and [Name], screeched in shock.

Naruto had gotten this figure off really well. But, it only resulted in Iruka yelling at him again for not doing what was expected.

"When I'm Hokage one day, no one will have to learn this stupid jutsu anymore!" Naruto yelled loudly.

To be honest, Naruto was right and this jutsu is really boring, only useful if you had to pretend to be someone else.

But why learn this jutsu?

'Because it is one of the basics of being a ninja, dumbass' [Name] thought, rolling her eyes.

Even if he wanted it or not. This jutsu was part of the test they would have to take soon to be a ninja. So his Oiroke no Jutsu or whatever absolutely did nothing.

And since the students didn't have to learn or practice anything today anyway, Iruka dismissed us right away. Well, everyone, excluding Naruto, who had to scrub the paint off the Hokage's heads, which was entirely his fault for painting the Hokage faces in first place.

"Are we training together?" [Name] asked her brother, who glanced at her for a short minute.

"No, I'm training alone." He answered coldly before he disappeared.

Tch, how cold he was. He could at least be a little nicer to her. After all, they had to go through the same pain and he wasn't the only one who lost his family plus the entire clan.

Well then so it be, then [Name] would train alone. Maybe it would be better anyways because iff she wanted to defeat Itachi, she didn't need anyone at her side who stood in her way.

(Oiroke no Jutsu = Naruto's sexy jutsu)

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Wordcount: 491

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