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- 3rd POV -

The next day [Name] got up from her bed to get dressed. Her clothes had always been plain and simple. [Name] actually never paid any attention to the clothes she wore and would often even wear some of Itachi's clothes.

Dressed in her clothes with the Uchiha coat of arms, [Name] left her room and walked downstairs into the kitchen to make herself breakfast while making a mental note to go shopping in the upcoming days because she definitely needed new clothes.

"You shouldn't eat anything Kakashi-sensei said if you have forgotten." Her twin spoke, watching her closely.

"I'm hungry." [Name] replied shortly before sitting down at the table and began eating her sandwich.

[Name] ate her little meal casually and even tho Sasuke was annoyed by it because training would start soon and she just sat here, not even paying attention to the time, sasuke knew she had a talent for being able to be on time despite everything. Because despite [name] eating her breakfast the uchiha twins both arrived at the training ground where Sakura and Naruto were already waiting.

"Ugh...Why had it be so early...?" Sakura grumbled.

"Yeah! I couldn't even eat anything" Naruto whined while holding his stomach. While Sasuke had already sat down and now the four began waiting for their sensei to arrive.

Hours later

"Where can he just be?" Sakura asked, getting more annoyed with each minute passing by.

"I'll finish him off if he shows up here, believe it!" Naruto declared, looking around with narrowed eyes.

"Sorry for being late, I got lost in the path of life." Kakashi spawned out of nowhere making them flinch as both Naruto and Sakura began to yell at him.


"Calm down, Calm down. We are about to start the first exam." Kakashi said and pulled out two bells from his pocket.

"You have lunch time to take these bells from me." he added and jumped back a little when Naruto began jumping to him.

"I wasn't finished yet. But your fighting spirit shows me a lot. I guess I'm starting to like you...a bit..." Kakashi mused, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he stood normally again.

"Anyways, as I said, you four have to try to get these two bells off of me by noon. Anything is allowed and you have to fight as if your life depends on it." Kakashi explained.

"But Sensei, there are only two bells and we are four." Sakura pointed out, confusingly.

"Well recognized, Sakura. The fact is that only two of you can advance. The third and fourth person will go back to the academy." He gave a simple close eyed smile behind his mask while the other four were completely caught off guard.

"WHAAAAT!?" Naruto shouted, flabbergasted.

"There's no way I'm going back to this academy!" He shouted again and attacked the jonin again, who officially opened the fight.

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𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞
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Wordcount: 490

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