I Wouldn't Marry Me Either (But You Would)

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Jihyo had a big smile on her face. She was getting married in just a few hours more. Her family and friends were all downstairs while her bridesmaids helped her get ready.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, she can't believe she was wearing her mom's wedding dress.
Knocks on her door and one of her friends, also her soon to be husband's bestman entered the room with a long face. "Jihyo..." He looked like he was holding back tears. He shook his head.
Jihyo was confused. Why was her friend so sad that she's getting married in few hours? "What is it, Beomgyu?"

"He's not coming..h-he didn't want to marry you.. he's not ready." Jihyo felt as if her world was destroyed. Her heart shattered into pieces. Her eyes welled with tears. She shook her head and laughed in pain. "N-no..He loves me! H-he.." She was lost at words.

The man she dreamt of spending her life with.. destroyed her heart, life and dream in just one day. She thanked Beomgyu and sat on her bed. Beomgyu, filled with guilt stormed out of the room immediately. He felt bad for Jihyo.

"Jihyo-yah.. he's not worth it." Jeongyeon rubbed her back, letting Jihyo cried on her shoulder. Nayeon, her other bridesmaid grabbed a tissue for her.
How can she tells her family downstairs about it? How can she face the shame of being dumped a few hours before her own wedding?

"I just..I don't know how to tell eomma about this.." She sighed defeatedly. Jeongyeon was right, it's not worth it to cry. What's done has been done and nothing could undone it.

The two bridesmaids left her alone in her room after she asked to be. Then she cried some more before going out of her room. Whatever happened, she still had to tell her everyone about it.

She went downstairs, and stood where she could be seen. Then signalled Jeongyeon who was talking with some other friends.

"The wedding's cancelled. He's not coming!" She announced. Gasps filled the room. She met her mom's eyes. A sense of guilt filled her as she walked to her mom.

"I'm sorry you still can't see me getting married in your wedding dress." She kneeled down infront of her mom, her voice breaking as she spoke. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"It's okay, Jihyo.." Her mom said after succedding to make Jihyo stand up. She hugged her daughter and wiped the tears. Her heart ache listening to Jihyo's cries. She hated that man who made Jihyo like this.

Jihyo broke the hug and excused herself. She doesn't know where she'd like to go. No, not to her room. She walked out of the house and made her way to her backyard, to her childhood tree house
With the wedding dress, she climbed the tree house and was shocked when she saw someone else in it.

"Tzuyu?" How she missed Tzuyu. The woman was her friend since she was 5. She can't believe Tzuyu was in front of her.

"Since when did you- What are you–" She was once again lost at her words.

"I arrived last night. I don't know what I'm doing here.. I miss here." Tzuyu just knew what Jihyo wanted to question her, so she answered without the questions being asked yet.

"You look beautiful.." Tzuyu compliment her. She had seen Jihyo in that wedding dress before, but that was when they were teenagers, and now that Jihyo was fully grown, beautiful wasn't the actual word she could use to describe Jihyo. But it was close to that.

"thanks.." Jihyo sighed. "Although what's the point of being beautiful if you still got dumped." She sighed and sat on a small chair. She never realised how much she has grown until she sat on that chair.

Tzuyu joined her, getting another small chair to sit on. "He's an ass. Dumping a woman on her wedding day? A fucking coward." She huffed. "Is he mad? Leaving Park Jihyo on her wedding day?"

Jihyo laughed. It's been years since she talked to Tzuyu. She was still the same even after years. "I didn't expect you to wear a suit to my cancelled wedding.." She carresed Tzuyu's arms.

"Well, I did tell you I'm gonna wear suit on your wedding when we were like what? 10?" Jihyo did not remember that. Nor did Tzuyu but they laughed it off.
They talked a bit more until silence filled the room. Jihyo chuckled.

"What are you thinking about?" Tzuyu raised one eyebrow. Who wouldn't be quirked up if out of sudden the person beside you was laughing by themselves right?

"Thinking about it...maybe I deserve it. I wouldn't marry me either.." Jihyo giggled. She sighed and fiddled with her fingers. Why did that actually hurt her heart?

"I would." Jihyo didn't got any time to reply to that. Then she felt a pair of soft lips on hers. Tzuyu cupped her face and carresed them softly.

Soon, she melted to the kiss. She closed her eyes and hooked her arms around Tzuyu's neck.

"Jihyo, are you ready?" Jihyo panicked. She wandered around the room, chest after chest she went through. Where the hell did she put her passport?

Oh god, why can't this honeymoon go smoothly even before it has started? They hadn't even arrived at the airport yet and Jihyo was losing her shit. "J-Just a minute!"

"Looking for this?" Nayeon said, leaning on the door with her hand holding Jihyo's passport. Jihyo nodded and practically jumped on Nayeon to get her passport. She hugged Nayeon and sighed. "Thank you.."

"You really gotta pull your shit together, Jihyo.. Your honeymoon hasn't even started yet and you're already miserable." Nayeon chuckled. She let go of Jihyo's hug and led her downstairs.

She smiled softly watching Jihyo walked downstairs. Finally, after 4 years, Jihyo got the happy ending she dreamt off. She never thought she'd ended up with someone that's very close to them, but it's better because she knew that person won't hurt Jihyo.

They both got into her car and she drove to the airport. Jihyo's family had waited for her there, just them that was abit late since Jihyo overslept. As soon as they got into the airport, her family swarmed her like crazy, scolding her for being late.

"I thought you're going to ditch me on our honeymoon.." Jihyo pouted. "I will never do that! I just.. overslept is all.."

"Okay lovebirds, you have a flight to catch up. Please move!" Jihyo's mom did not meant to spoil the moment, but she needed to. They got less than 30 minutes to do their stuff.

Jihyo said goodbye to her family and made her way to the boarding gate, with her wife.

"Ready?" She reached for Jihyo's hands. Jihyo nodded. "More than you could think, Tzu."

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