Holding Onto Hope

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"Seriously, unnie. Stop it!" Tzuyu groaned, pouting cutely. "What's wrong with me calling you 'my baby'? You're my baby right?" Tzuyu huffed. "I'm not a baby!" She frowned and turned to the side, back facing Jihyo.

The older giggled, smiling slightly watching Tzuyu's back facing her, she walked to the other side of the bed to face Tzuyu, sitting on the chair placed on the side of the back and teasing Tzuyu even more while waiting for the other members to arrive.

A few moments after, the door opened, Nayeon immediately dashed to Tzuyu, pulling her for a very tight hug then pulled away instantly after hearing Tzuyu winced in pain due to her accidentally hitting Tzuyu's wounds when pulling the younger for a hug. The oldest of them planted a kiss on her cheek and smiled widely. "Tzuyu-yah! we miss you!" Mina and Chaeyoung chuckled at Nayeon's behaviour. "Unnie, I understand you are very excited to bring Tzuyu back home but please stop moving around, you're making me dizzy." Momo rolled her eyes,both hands on her hips. Nayeon cackled and then apologised to Tzuyu, acting cute while doing it.

"Where's the others?"Tzuyu questioned, realising there were only Nayeon, Momo, Mina and Chaeyoung with them. "Dahyun has some hosting to do.. Jeongyeon and Mina are home, preparing things." Chaeyoung explained. "This is your bags?" Tuyu nodded. Mina and Chaeyoung picked the bags up and excused themselves to load the bags in the cars while the others settled for Tzuyu's dischargement.

"Ready to go home, my baby?" Jihyo asked, calling Tzuyu using the nickname she came up with receiving groans from Tzuyu. She giggled and Tzuyu nodded, ready to go home.

"Slow down, Tzu! the house ain't going nowhere!" Mina scolded lightly, uneasy watching how fast Tzuyu was walking to their dorm despite her just being out of the hospital. "Sorry, Mina unnie! too excited!" Mina smiled, keeping her pace up so she can meet Tzuyu's steps. The other members were already upstairs, but Tzuyu realised she had left her phone in the car and insisted on going alone but Mina refused to let her go alone, so they went together.

As soon as they arrive in their dorm, Tzuyu was welcomed with confetti poppers, few of the managers and their friends were there too such as Shuhua, Somi, a few of Stray Kids' members and others. They immediately celebrated Tzuyu's recovery with foods and games but was also careful not to let Tzuyu moved too much as it can cause an unwanted injuries again.

Overall, the two weeks of Tzuyu's dischargement was going fine. Jihyo had started going back to works, though not as busy as she was before, she still had some schedules that needed her to leave early in the morning, leaving Tzuyu be taken care of by the others girls. And the members had decided to make a schedule to take Tzuyu to her appointments,as the younger has appointment three times every weeks. Jihyo had also moved to Tzuyu's room to company Tzuyu every night and it went smoothly, Tzuyu showed no signs of any discomfort or pain while sleeping at night.

But it was different when that night. The older girl had woken up in the middle of the night to find Tzuyu shivering in her bed. She immediately got out of her bed and walked over to Tzuyu's bed only to find out that Tzuyu had a very high fever. She called the ambulance instantly since the doctor had told her to call the hospital immediately in case of an infection.

And to her luck, the ambulance came as soon as she called them. She had dressed Tzuyu in a jacket and also wrapped her in blanket before the ambulance took her in with her. She texted Nayeon and Jeongyeon to inform that she'll be at the hospital with Tzuyu, preventing any of her members from panicking when they wake up from their slumber.

After the doctor had checked up on her, Tzuyu was left alone with Jihyo in her ward. She wasn't too weak but more to sleepy as it was still early in the morning. So she got comfortable in her bed and pulled her blanket over to cover her, but it didn't work. She was uncomfortable. It was too cold for her to sleep with only a piece of blanket, so she requested for another blanket, and another one and another one. But it didn't work. She was still cold.

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