More Mers

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Blip was swimming around and exploring. He saw a group of mers talking in a neutral area. "Hello!" Called Blip. The mers turned and were surprised to meet a jellyfish hybrid. "Oh, hello!" Said a mer that looked like classic papyrus. "I'm Blip, I was wanting to meet some new people." He said. "I am the great Papyrus, this is my lazy brother Sans." Papyrus said. Papyrus was a dolphin mer and sans was a turtle mer.

"I am Edge and this is Red." Said Edge. Both were shark mers. "I'm Reaper and this is my mate Geno," said Reaper hugging Geno. "Let me go you-!" Geno yelled. Reaper was an orca mer and Geno was a seal mer. "I don't think I've seen any mers like you." Said Papyrus. "Me and my Bloom just came here for the first time. We don't see others often." Said Blip. "Who all is in your bloom?" Asked Red. "Me, my sister, my brother, and my brother's two children." Said Blip. "Do you have a mate?" Asked Reaper. "Reaper! Don't just ask that!" Scolded Geno. "It's fine. I don't have a mate and neither does my brother or sister." Said Blip. They talked a bit longer and Blip learned Sans, Papyrus, Red, and Edge were a group and Geno and Reaper stayed on their own with Reaper's brother, Grimm. Blip inited them to visit.

Nightmare was thinking. The bloom was a curious group, not seeming to know a whole lot about mer customs. All of them were strong, healthy, attractive mers. He was surprised to learn that none of the adults had mates. They all seemed to be skilled hunters as well. Lapse would make a good mate... he shook the thought away and continued his business.

It was a couple days later when Blip brought his friends to meet the bloom and Nightmare's group. "Guys, these are my friends, Geno, Reaper, Grimm(he's also an orca mer), Edge, Red, Papyrus, and Sans." Said Blip. "Nice to meet you!" Said Blue. "Nyeh, it's great to meet you to." Said Papyrus.

Sans was surprised to see the groups. One being composed mostly of shark mers like Red and Edge and the bloom that blip was part of being all jellyfish hybrids. "So, how is everyone doing in the love department? This is my mate, Dust." Said Killer. "Killer!" Said Dust. "This is my mate, Geno." Said Reaper. "I'm Blue and this is my mate, Horror." Blue said. "No mate." Said Blip, Tangle, and Lapse together. "I'm Ink and Dream's my mate." Said Ink and Dream waved. "I do not have a mate." Said Grimm. "I, the great Edge, currently do not have a mate, but I have plans to court." Said Edge. "I do not have a mate yet," said Papyrus. "No mate." Said Red. "I don't have a mate, but that doesn't mean I don't have plans to court." Said Sans. "I don't have a mate." Said Cross. "I do not have a mate either." Nightmare said.

They talked a little, discussing their journeys and told how the bloom met Nightmare's group. Eventually most went off, leaving only Nightmare, Cross, Sans, Reaper, Geno, and Killer. "So, who do you plan on courting?" Cross asked Sans. "Red, actually. I think Edge plans to court Papyrus." Said Sans. "Do you have any plans on courting anyone or your eyes on any potential mates?" Asked Reaper. "I don't really..." mumbled Cross. "I haven't thought about it to much, but... I will admit Lapse is a rather attractive mer." Said Nightmare. "Lapse, huh Boss?" Said Killer. "Shut your mouth." Snapped Nightmare. "What about you, Crossy? You sure no one's interesting you?" Asked Killer. "I dunno... Tangle seems nice." Cross answered. "I honestly wonder if they would even realize if you tried to court them." Said Geno. "What do you mean, love?" Asked Reaper. "Well, they all said their group doesn't interact with other mers much and they seem rather clueless on normal customs. We also don't know what customs they have when it comes to courting, so if you court them the normal way, they might not realize." Said Geno. "You're not wrong." Said Cross. They talked a bit longer before going their separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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