The Black and White

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// 3 months ago //

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// 3 months ago //

There were several different ways to enter the film industry. You could audition for a role, you could get recommended, you could be the son of a celebrity, could do the unspeakable.

That's why, the acting industry was the worst challenge to enter. The bad thing? Everyone was a hungry carnivore waiting to chew on your bones. The good thing? You didn't realize when you become the predator from the prey.

"Enough." A cold voice echoed. The voice used to be chirpy and sweet. Rose had loved to hear it when they went out on coffee dates and shopping. But this coldness laced with that sweet voice made it as sharp as arrows made of ice. "I am done, Rose."

They were seated in Rose's apartment. She had gotten it from Cynthia Reyes when they signed the movie contract. Well, Rose was sitting and Vanessa was standing. She looked furious but Rose couldn't understand why.

"I don't-"

"Do not say you don't understand. Last night you understood well enough. You even-!" Vanessa looked her in the eyes.

For a moment Rose thought she saw fear in her crystal blue eyes. That made Rose worry, her eyes were filling with tears, she wanted to hug her and beg her to make her understand but Vanessa didn't look like she wanted to hear any of it.

"Nessa, please." Her voice broke as hot tears rolled down her eyes, falling on the carpet.

"Stop your drama! I am going crazy because of you Rose! AND YOU ARE THE REASON I DIDN'T GET THE ROLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

Rose's heart broke a little more, "But what did I do..." her voice was small and weak, it wouldn't even reach the other person if they weren't the only people in the room.

"What did you do?! Do you think I don't know?! You fucked Cynthia Reyes, didn't you!? You are seriously a whore, how could I think you were my friend."

Rose's head shot up hearing that, "What-? How could you say such a thing?"

"Oh shut up. Do whatever, fuck whoever, I don't give two shits about you, I am leaving, don't ever come near me! Or I'll fucking destroy you!"

The door banged loudly as Vanessa left. Rose could hear her heart thundering in her chest, her whole body shivered as she cried and cried until no more tears were left. A bitter taste in her mouth and a heaviness sat in her heart.

She thought Vanessa was her friend. She trusted her so much, and what did she get for loving someone? Cynthia Reyes had been friendly but she never laid a hand on Rose. Vanessa went low with those words.

The clock ticked by and the light outside her window turned black. Maybe she was already half asleep, lying on the floor because she didn't hear the door open and close but she did hear the sound of heels clicking across the floorboard.

Recently, these heels had been frequent in her life. No. She had always known the sound of these red heels and the elegant voice of the beholder. The heels had followed her ever since she entered the industry or maybe even before.

Rose was too tired to raise her head and address the other person so she just laid there on the cold hard surface, pretending to be non-existent.

"Hm, what's with the moppy face and wrecked appearance? I thought you liked looking good for me." Robin chuckled.

From her position, Rose could see Robin crouching beside her on the floor. She was dressed in black tights with silver chains hanging from the waist and a deep red shirt.

"I don't like your silence love."

"Get lost," Rose muttered. Her mouth felt dry and her throat was itchy.

"Oh! I thought that slut pulled out your tongue! Good thing she didn't, not like it will make a difference anyway."

Rose couldn't quite comprehend any of her words but she was well aware that enranging Robin wouldn't be a good idea.

"So, what did she say?"

"She..." Rose felt her throat swell again at the remembrance of the crude words, "She said to not ever come near her again."

What else had she said? Rose couldn't remember. While there was a far-off memory in her mind that sounded familiar to these words.

Robin laughed melodiously, "Did she sound assertive or scared?"

"Um," Rose reeled back to the time when Vanessa was leaving, "she sounded angry but her eyes held...fear apparently."

Robin's eyes gleamed with a wicked glint that Rose couldn't see, "Let me remind you what she might have said then. That excuse of an actress."

Robin ran her hand gently through Rose's black hair before yanking on them brutally to pull her off the floor. Rose didn't show any reaction except a subtle flinch. Robin brought her lipstick-stained cherry lips closer to Rose's ear.

"Do whatever and fuck whoever." Robin started. Her voice barely held any anger, they were spoken as if she was merely trying to flirt with Rose.

Rose's eyes widened as a strange memory fragment flashed before her eyes. Robin was sitting on the sofa of Nessa's bedroom, which looked like a throne. She was dressed in a silver cocktail dress which was uncharacteristic of her. Vanessa's hands were placed on Robin's bare knees as she looked up towards her with grave fear in her eyes. The Robin from the memory opened her mouth but the real Robin's voice overlapped as a voiceover.

"I don't give two shits about you."

Vanessa flinched, her lips quivering and tears, mixed with mascara rolled down her eyes, making her look unsightly.

"Leave and don't ever dare come near her." Robin continued.

Rose could feel shivers climbing up her own arm while listening to Robin and remembering the scene which was probably from last night, considering the dress Vanessa was wearing.

"R-" Vanessa tried speaking but Robin slapped her across her face without skipping a beat.

"Talk to her again and I'll fucking destroy you."

Robin let go of her hair and stood up, taking her place on the couch, crossing her legs, and matching her pose from last night. Rose looked terrified as fresh tears rolled down her eyes.

"" So this was what Vanessa was referring to from last night. She probably meant how Robin threatened her for Rose and she didn't do anything to stop her.

Robin grinned wickedly through her half-face mask. "Are you happy? I cleared a pest from your life!"

"P-pest? She's my friend!"

Robin tsked, pouting a little, "Did you forget so quickly what she said to you in the day? Wanna know the truth? She was the one who did some pillow service for that Reyes bitch."

"I...I don't believe you. I have to go talk to her! I am warning you, Robin, you can't do anything to her!"

Rose darted towards the door but Robin was quicker on her feet as she circled an arm around Rose's waist, pulling her plush towards her body. Once again, she murmured hotly in her ear "But you can't."


Word Count: 1164

QOTD: If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be?

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