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//Mentions of Suicide//

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//Mentions of Suicide//

One of the most popularised ways of murder was suicide. The only difference was, that a murder was a well-planned event; An act of revenge or jealousy, and suicide was a slow poisoning of greedy, unkind words and actions by several people who just casually spatted hatred like spitting out seeds.

When the topic of the internet was brought up, several different arguments arose, a common belief is that the internet brings the world closer. But does it? Sometimes, venturing through videos and their comment section, you'd be surprised by the amount of hatred this world cultivates for seemingly harmless people.

Oliver Wood was one such victim of the internet. But of course, those internet trolls sitting on their desks in a dark room at an unknown location of the world, rubbing their potbellies and munching on cheap snacks couldn't be arrested for a choice he made.

Alex had seen many cases of teenagers giving up on their lives due to this very same reason. As much as it disheartened him, he couldn't do anything for the boy or those hundreds of kids. But that boy had done a huge favor to them.

On one of the newspaper cuttings he left, there was a date and time mentioned in bright red ink. Three days and two nights, till the officer in charge figured they should input it into the CCTV cameras of the bar and it worked. Seven days ago, at midnight, a woman in red had showed up at Stardoom. She and Oliver chatted for not longer than ten minutes and then she left. Their chat wasn't hearable but so far, what Oliver was trying to imply was that she was Robin. He had figured out something not even the best of detectives did yet.

The question was, how?

"He followed me after all." Robin laughed loudly, the melodious sound echoing in the empty room like light bouncing off mirrors.

"What do you mean?"

"That goldilocks from the bar. He looked sad, he asked me if I was an artist. That kid followed me."

A lock of raven hair fell in front of her eyes as she kept rolling on the chair. "I knew he was interested in me but didn't think he would follow me."

"How do you know he followed you?"

Rose was sitting in front of the mirror, staring at her face and the heavy bags under her eyes. Her beautiful midnight eyes looked so lifeless.

"When I left that bar on the night of Cynthia's death, I went back to the murder sight."

"Why the fuck would you do that?" Rose's face twisted in confusion, she immediately schooled her expressions, not liking the look on her lovely face.

"To take pictures of course! My art is incomplete without the police barricades!"

"And the sight was left unsupervised?"

"Surprisingly it was and I may have destroyed a few cameras."

"Crazy idiot," Rose muttered before getting up and walking to her.

Robin tilted her head to look at Rose, she always enjoyed admiring the view of the beauty that was the actress. Her face was of course, priceless but her body was just another level stunning, if you asked her, she might even say it was sculpted by a God himself, with the finest stone. The epitome of perfection. She ran her fingers over her waist, relishing in the silk skin.

"What if the police find you?"

Robin tore her eyes off from her waist and looked up to meet her eyes, "Do you actually think those dogs can catch me? If I begin leaving my clothes on the scene, they won't be able to sniff me out."

"Overconfidence is fatal."

Robin snorted, "Sure, for others it is, after all my confidence is my greatest weapon"

"Sure is." Rose rolled her eyes and walked away from her. Robin pouted, glaring daggers at her then she stood on her feet landing perfectly on the red stilettos.

"If I bow to fears, what am I but a coward? For me, the queen of chaos, confidence is the greatest weapon I own. Not because I can fight with it, but because when I look into the eyes of my assassin with that willpower, they bow." Robin's posture was straight and she was staring ahead, her eyes looked stronger than ever, as if she was really a queen, looking down at a peasant.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." Rose mocked as Robin giggled and sat back down on her chair, legs hanging off from one side.

"Oh come on, that's your first theater!"

"Exactly, MINE, just how many more of my things will you take?"

Robin rolled her eyes, "I haven't taken anything that you haven't given away."

Rose sighed deeply, there was no winning against her. She reeled back to the previous topic.

"And that was it? You think he knew what you were?"

"Not until he asked me what I was doing."

"Please don't tell me." Rose ran her hand down her face in frustration.

Robin grinned ear to ear before laughing again and rolling faster on her chair, "I told him I was relishing in the decoration of my artwork!"

Over the last five months, Rose had learned several things about her so-called partner, one of them was that Robin couldn't be controlled. She was a hungry wolf who could tear down anything and everything that threatened her. And the second thing was that Robin hated ungrateful people. When she killed Vanessa, Rose figured that she killed her out of jealousy. When she killed Cynthia, it was because she was forcing herself on Rose. The list continued similarly.

But Oliver was entirely different. Rose would even dare to say that Robin pitied him, she had gone out of her way to get him a role in Butterflies. Of course, 'out of her way' meant ordering Rose to do so.

Robin was a complex personality. Rose never understood what the crazy maniac wanted but she always felt a strange pull towards her, along with a deep feeling of wanting to protect. It was confusing for her, why would she want to protect a person who kills people for fun? Maybe she was going crazy.

On Rose's request, Oliver Wood got a role in Butterflies but right before the day that he was going to appear on set, he died.

"Do you think someone killed him?" Rose asked after an hour of silence.

"I don't think."

Rose felt exhausted talking to her and thus she carried her feet on the bed and let her body sink into the mattress. She was about to fall asleep when a faint hum rang in her ear.

"Perhaps he was killed after all."

It wouldn't surprise her anymore. The industry was turning into something dark. It had always been an arena of beasts but right now it was a playground for criminals. After the island news, nothing really shocked her. People were crazy and disgusting.


"One article and she'll be ruined." The bearded man with a cigarette between his lips muttered grimly.

Another man, his junior was fumbling with papers as they uploaded data on a Word file, "This will be a great controversy."

"You can always trust the bigshots for a great story."

The leading actress of the industry and the mistress of the brand new series "Butterflies" was spotted leaving the premier party early with a companion.


Word count: 1221

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