'~He Ate My Heart~' {Angst}

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If you are uncomfortable with any of these, I suggest not reading this chapter. 


(Kyle's POV) 

The air hung heavy as well as the streetlamps of the Colorado town which was infected by a plague. This plague is unknown and unnamed except the symptoms for it would include nausea, vomiting, numbness, negative intrusive thoughts, skin decay, constant hunger, foaming of the mouth, Mydriasis, Dysarthria, aggression to the smell of blood, muscle soreness, spotted discoloration in the skin, fevers, coughing up blood, fatigue, body deformity, loss of vision, ringing in the ears, Migraines, itching, and insomnia.

People who have shown any of these signs were to be terminated or have them kill themselves without any hesitation. 

This all started a year or so again. The town use to be so lively with kids ecstatic to go outside and hang with friends or play in the snow with frosty cold breeze chilling their face, making it flush. Now, It was horrifying and tiring to be in the outside world without a shelter as these 'infected patients' which would be also considers zombies or hatchlings (which Ike refers them as) would run at you left and right.

The best way to survive would be to have a proper medical kit, weapons that can endure plentiful amounts of damage, having a small but large group of survivors, canned food and water, etc etc. 

By luck, he has almost all the necessary items and objectives to survive like a strong group consisting of Craig, Ike, Kenny, Token, Red, and Karen, weapons like frying pans, bat's laced with heavy duty nails, metal pipes, and bows.  The only problem is their stock of food is starting to deplete in size and is being heavily rationed. This caused them to begin to go out in search for supplies and rations. Fortunately, have a good amount of water though which is thanks to Kyle and Craig.

It was Thursday, which meant Kyle went out alone to scavenge since he was one of the few people which had the best knowledge in defense and survival skills when it came to being surrounded by zombies.

Kyle was shaken gently awake by a figure. He squints his eyes and brushes the few curly firey scarlet red hair strands that escaped his man-bun out of his face. Kyle looks down to see his little brother; Ike. 

KB: "Good morning?"

Kyle says as he stands up properly since he had fallen asleep leaning against the desperately in need of renovating house walls. Normally, He doesn't slack off that badly since it was his turn on night shift as well, but he definitely needed that rest for he could've been sluggish during his hunt. There was higher chances he had been eaten alive by a zombie if he didn't get some rest. Just the though of being torn inside out and eaten alive in a horrific way made a chill run down his spine causing his to shiver. 

His unsettling mindset was put on hold as someone snapped in front of his face making him jump him his skin from annoyance.

CT: "Earth to Kyle? Hello? Your whiny brother was asking something."

The other individuals state caused a lighthearted punch in the gut by Ike. Kyle turned his head towards the other teen whos name was Craig. He never was on good terms with Craig till the pandemic broke-out and people were turning left and right. Now, they were on a stable friendship despite disagreements and cold bickering occasionally back and forth.

KB: "Shit, sorry. What were you saying, Ike?"

Kyle asks looking down at his shorter younger Canadian brother with a gently smile. Ike was now 13, and a pretty sassy teenager. Ike scoffed and crossed his smaller arms over his chest neatly.

IB: "I was trying to say if I could come outside with you. I'm old enough to be fighting myself, plus it feels unfair you guys have to risk your lives to feed me and everyone else while I'm just a helpless animal that thrives off your work."

Ike explains as he keeps an expression of guilty and anger while being self-critical of his own worth. Kyle sighs and crouches down to Ike's level, putting a beaten and worn hand on his shoulder, looking deeply in his eyes with seriousness and sincerity in his eyes.

KB: "Ike, I've told you this multiple times. It's too dangerous and I cannot imagine losing my little brother to one of those... things... I'll think about it when you are actually old enough to defend yourself. Okay?"

Kyle says, expecting reassurance from his little brother. In return, Ike gives a pitiful nod and looks down, his arms still tightly crossed around his chest. Kyle drops his arm limply back to his side and he straights his posture and clears his throat, his gaze going to the raven hair with a persian blue chullo hat. His face goes back to a stern look.

KB: "Craig, I'm gonna go get ready, make sure he doesn't try to sneak out and follow me."

He says being straightforward as Craig simply nods and looks at Ike, jerking his head to the side signaling Ike to follow him as he begins to walk towards the kitchen to make them breakfast since Tweek taught him how to cook before he disappeared when the plague began. 

Ike followed slowly, trailing behind him like a little duck as he turns the corner to the hall with Craig and out of Kyle's view. Kyle exhales and begins to walk to the room everyone sleeps in and watches them all huddled together or in a sleeping bag. 



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