chapter 7

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Well its been great here in cheshire so far I have to admit and exams are finally over.(thank goodness)
We have a few days before the year ends and summer starts and I am looking forward to it.
Nialls family has a beach house and we are gonna stay there for a weekend after school let's out let's say I'm excited it's gonna be niall and Emilia and Louis and Eleanor and zayn and gigi and Liam and Danielle and me and harry and I can't wait yes I met Louis's friends zayn and Liam and there girlfriends so we all hang out I like them all but let's just say I have a huge crush on one of them can you guess who.
Anyway I'm sitting here in my room and thinking about what all I'm gonna do this summer I'd love to see my brother Andrew hopefully he will come up, then there's work and harry we've been hanging around qlot together and not just at work or school,hmm so many ideas I just don't know but I'll figure it out eventually. Lol I hope...
I'm done with homework and dinner should be ready soon.
I'm just gonna go see if mom needs help, as I get down the stairs and get to the kitchen I see mom still at the counter.
" hey mom need help"
"Can you please set the table sweetie I'm almost finished and then go tell your dad to come eat please"
" Sure mom" I say as I'm already getting the plates and silverware on the table
Once I'm finished I walk towards my dad's office down the hall and knock
"Come in" I hear my dad say and I open the door and walk in "hey dad"
"Hey darling what are you doing?"
"Mom told me to come get you for dinner since it should be ready by now you gonna come eat?"
"Yeah I'm starving darling let's go" he chuckles as he says it.
We walk to the diningroom where mom has everything ready so we all sit down and talk about our day and they ask me about work and school and I tell them works fine and I can't believe I only have a week of school left.
After we are finished mom and dad go to the livingroom to watch a little TV before bed and I head upstairs to get a shower and get ready for bed this is the last week of school but Mondays are tough regardless.
After I have my clothes laid out and my bookbag ready and my bed clothes in my hand I head to the bathroom to shower.
As I'm getting my shower I start thinking about harry his green eyes that I just can't get out of my head and his British accent I love so much and I can't help but wonder if he thinks about me too u keep thinking through my whole shower harry harry harry thats all that goes through my head can't believe I actually have this huge crush on him but I do.
As I finish up and get dressed I can't wait to get to school and see him Tomorrow I think to my self and smile can't believe I'll be 17 in August so just 3 months thats something else I can't wait for this summer, I will he a senior when I go back to school when the new school year starts its hard to believe I only have one more year. Wow how time Flys by.
I get out of my thoughts as my phone starts to ring and I look at the caller ID and I see Harry's name and I don't even hesitate and grab my phone answering
I know eager much lol...
I answer with a soft "hello"
" hey D What are you doing" I hear harry say and a lil shuffling noise
"Hey H I'm just laying here just got ready for bed are you ready for the last week of school?"
"Yeah I am I'm so ready for the summer your still working the same this summer right, I told Barbara I would be"
"Yeah same here I've done talked to her so yeah the schedule will be the same why you ask?"
"Oh I was just thinking that we could hang out more this summer if we both worked the same that is if you want to?"
"Of course I like hanging out with you harry"
"I like hanging out with you too D and I can't wait to see you at school tomorrow"
"So you work tomorrow Harry"
"Yep as always, you?" Yes " I here a ding signaling I have a message I look and harry has sent something
"Hold on H what did you send let me check" as I am checking I hear him chuckle
I look and it's a picture of him smiling big and I can see both of his dimples omg those dimples and his eyes are so bright green I smile and take a quick oic of myself and send it to him.
"I love the picture H"
" thanks I like yours too" he says a little shyly I love how shy he can be he's so adorable.
" so I'll see you at school tomorrow D I wanted to call and talk a few and say goodnight"
" I'll see you tomorrow H and goodnight and sweetdreams"
"I always do after talking to you bye D"
"Bye H"
As we hang up and I lay down I am staring at the pic he sent me this crush I have is gigantic not just huge as I thought,I put my phone on charge and cut off my lamp and lay down and I'm fast asleep before long with dreams of curly brown hair green eyes and dimples.

As Dawn falls asleep let's see what harry is up to and have Harry's pov what do ya think who would not want to know what Harry's up too lol so let find out what's going on with Harry's gorgeous self shall we.....

Harry's pov...
I'm laying here in bed and I have
just hung up from talking with D which is Dawn she is so sweet and she is just so pretty I'm looking at the pic she sent me and if I set it as my wallpaper no one has to know.
I've liked her for a while now I have this crush on her that just gets bigger by the day, I wonder if she thinks of me that would be nice to know she felt the same but I'm to shy to ask.
I haven't liked anyone like this in a while and I'm excited about it but also nervous about it.
Maybe I'll get a answer before long. I can only hope...
We only have a week left of school and I'm glad I'm gonna be a senior when school starts back one year to go.
I'm now working on uni applications they are so stressful but I hope I get into the one I want, I wonder if dawn is gonna stay here or go back to the states for uni I so hope she is staying I don't want her to leave to be completely honest.
Well back to my uni applications I want to fill out but I have a dilemma ,I want to work with kids so I'm thinking of being a counselor, good major right?
I also like music so maybe music production idk I'm gonna talk to my mum and see if she can help way out the pros and cons on the majors I like so I can pick one I have to get these applications for uni done soon I'm so stressed.
I'm just gonna try and get some sleep after I go down and get some water.
I walk down to the kitchen and get water as I sit down at the table my mum walks in I thought she was in bed by now.
"Hey mom I thought you were in bed already"
" hey haz no trying to sleep but can't another restless night I think, what are you doing up?"
"Same got to much on my mind so I thought I'd come down for water and then try again"
"Whats on your mind haz?"
"School, work, uni applications and majors and just thinking about summer"
" Yeah hun that sounds like alot but you only have a week of school so don't stress over that and work you love so and what majors for uni have you stressing?"
"Umm well I'm interested in law and I'm interested in being a counselor for kids
And I'm interested in music production
And I'm interested in teaching literature so I have a few what do you think mum?"
"Well your studies for law school would be alot but its a good career let's see you'd be awesome as a counselor for kids I mean you can help them and work with kids like you want to so huge pro there and you said music production well you thats good to but is it something you'll stay committed to thats the question and literature teacher also working with kids what grade would you teach if you do that one?"
" umm I'd like do elementary school kids there younger and I feel like I could teach them better since I love kids"
"Thats sounds nice but which ones are you more interested in like which one excites you more to do ?"
"Probably the counselor because I'm working with kids and helping them but I also would like to do the others I'm so confused mum and I need to get those applications filled out and soon"
" just think positively and it will come to you I was the same but I figured it out after I quit stressing so don't stress and it will come to you what you want to do, ok now head to bed you gotta be up for school early and eat breakfast before you leave" mum says as she leans down and kisses me on my forehead and tells me good night and she loves me how I love my mum.
Yes I'm a mummy's boy always have been.
Well to go try and fall asleep faster I do the faster I can see D tomorrow morning.
That brings a smile to my face I put my glass in the dishwasher and go back to my room and look on my phone and see Dawn's sweet face and put it back and lay down and hopefully I'll dream of her too.
I don't lay there to long before I fall asleep and if I dream of d all night thats for me to know and no one else to know right now.

Well it seems Dawn and Harry are thinking about each other and both have huge crushes on each other.
I wonder what will happen with them next 🤔 any suggestions always leave comments and votes I really hope yall are liking my book it being my first one im nervous but I am trying to focus on it and make the best I can.

Yes I am gonna be doing dawns pov and you'll also see Harry's povs also I think it will make it more interesting
What do you Think?
I'm trying to update so I hope I'm doing ok on that.
Sorry it's short but I'll try to make the other chapters longer.

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