chapter 9

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Dawns pov....

I am woke up by my alarm clock I reach over and cut it off and just think it's to early to be up on a summer day but I have to work early today so I get up and go get a shower and when I come out and get dressed for work and do my hair and makeup I grab my purse and phone and head downstairs for breakfast.
I can smell the pancakes and bacon from the top of the stairs I'm really hungry I didn't eat much last night had to much on my mind well two things harry and Jen.
Well I get in the diningroom where mom is and I say good morning to her and she turns around and smiles really big and says good morning back.
" mom where's dad?" I ask mom qs I sit down as she's bringing ginger my plate and drink to the table.
" Oh he's in the study he had to do a little work but he will be out in a minute to eat with us"
I just nod and smile as I finish putting the butter and syrup on my pancakes and wait for mom and dad I always do.
We sit and talk and then mom brings up the weekend trip to the beach with all my friends and asked if I'm excited.
As I'm about to answer I get a text from niall and one from Eleanor both telling me Jen was coming to yes the one and only Jen Taylor that has made me miserable lately ughh why is she coming .
I actually text and why she is coming and while I wait for a response I answer my mom," um yeah mom excited as I can be a weekend at the beach with all my friends what's to not be excited about?"
" I'm glad you are your all leaving in the morning  and will be back Monday morning right?"
"Yes mom we are leaving in the morning and we will have all day and night and Sunday all day and night and we will leave Monday morning and be back by noon the latest thats what niall said since he's driving."
"OK just making sure and when you get to work tell Barbara I said hi and will come by soon."
"OK I will mom but I gotta go when I'm done I don't want to be late."
As soon as I got done eating and grabbing my phone and purse I told of my parents bye and hugged them and walked out the door to get in my car and  put the key in the ignition and started it up and turned on the ac and started to back out with thoughts of the weekend on my mind it's bad enough I have to deal with Jen at work and now I have to deal with her all weekend really what have I done to deserve this she absolutely drives me crazy she is so obnoxious and she thinks she is better than most and I don't like that because she definitely isn't.
Well with all my thoughts running thru my head I made it to work it seemed like no time and I parked and got out.
Another day at the bakery and I hope today is good.
As I get my stuff in my locker and get clocked in Barbara comes up and tells me she's gonna show me a few things in back and I agree and tell her my mom said hi like I said I would.
So as I am being shown how to make a few things like the I like Harry comes in and he's in the back also so he's now being told by Barbara what she wants him to get started on while we finish up.
I've been in the back now for a few hours and have made a few cakes and gonna frost them soon one someone ordered and will be in to pick it up in about a hour so I want to get that one done first so I start on it and get it done about 20 minutes later and get the others out front in the case since there's room for them.
After a bit I get my break and I get my usual the two chocolate crossiants and a tea and go sit down a few minutes later harry comes over and sits down with his tea and gets the other crossiant and we start talking and everything is great till he mentions Jen and I just sit there sipping my tea and listen to him talking about the weekend and he even told me about his second date with her and all I could do is look off and roll my eyes.
I know I'm jealous not of Jen but of the fact I really like harry and have now for almost 7 months and I know hals has said a few times to tell harry but how do you tell the person that has me so nervous around him lately that you like him?please tell me...
Anyway I'm still listening and he looks up and said " D you excited for the weekend?"
"Of course why wouldn't I be?"
"Are you ok? You seem to have something on your mind I mean your as talkative lately"
"Oh um just got alot on my mind thats all "
" so so you wanna talk about it maybe it will make you feel better?" Harry says and he's being so sincere and caring qs always and as I look into his beautiful green eyes I want to just tell him everything but something keeps me from it, as I'm about to answer him his phone rings and he tells me it's Jen he'll be right back.
As he walks off I feel like I want to cry he means so much to me and she's got her claws in him ughh I wanna scream.
I get up and clean the table off and toss the trash in the bin and head to the back.
When harry comes back I'm finishing putting some crossiants in the oven with  some cookies that we are getting low on and he turns around says "D I'm sorry I walked off from our conversation at break she called to tell me she's going with us this weekend and she's really excited to like meet everybody"
" Yeah I bet she is" I said kinda short but what can I really say
"D are you mad at me or something?"
" why would you think that" I asked not really wanting to talk about it
" umm I don't know I feel like you are thats why I asked I mean your not acting the way you normally do and I figured your mad at me" he said with a sad look on his face
Why does he have to be so cute that makes it harder I feel like I need qa whole cake and milk and a good movie I can give a good cry too right now.
" I'm not mad at you harry I told you I just got alot on my mind right now and I am gonna be honest I was just hoping it was just gonna be all of us this weekend and now I find out Jen is going, who invited her anyway?"
" ummm I did"
"Haz you invited Jen?"
" why would you do that?" I ask as I'm getting the stuff out of the oven.
" she's nice and she wanted to come with me this weekend so I asked her to go"
" whatever" I sit back as I'm putting chocolate on top of the crossiants and I don't even look his way
" you are mad at me why?"
" don't worry about it"
"D don't be like that I don't want you mad at me tell why you are mad"
" NO"
I walk off to put the food in the cases and I know he don't know I like him but he knows Jen and I don't exactly get along don't get me wrong I'm always nice to her but she always puts me down like I'm nothing and he knows this how could he want her around and he actually called her nice O.M.G is he like that oblivious.
Before I know it its almost time to go so now all I have left to do is these couple of dishes and dry them.
As I am washing haz asks if he could help I just hand him the towel to dry with and don't say anything.
When we are done putting everything up and double checking everything is stocked for tomorrow since we won't be here, I go clock out and go to Barbara and tell her everything is stocked and and all cases are full and I'd see her Monday afternoon and say bye and go get my things and take my keys out and phone so I can call hals and vent on the way home.
I get home and I had a talk with hals and she said the same about haz being oblivious and I laughed it's funny she don't even know him but by what I say she gets it and I head in the house ready for some rest but I gotta give Eleanor a call after I shower.
"Mom,dad I'm home"
" how was work sweetie" mom says as she walks out of the kitchen
" great as always I'm gonna head uo and get shower and call Eleanor.
" that'd fine I'll call you when dinner is ready"
"Thanks mom" I reply back as I'm heading up the stairs and I get to my room and get everything ready for my shower and lay my clothes on the bed and go turn the water on and wait till it's really warm and get in.
It feels so good I've been so tense with all this with Jen and I need to relax and this is helping well for now.
After I do my hair and body I cut the water off and get out and dry off and grab my phone and dial Eleanor and pit it on speaker.
"Hey D"
"Hey El what are you doing?"
" Oh the usual listening to louis complain about everything" she says as she laughs
" Yeah but lou wouldn't be lou if he didnt"
"Yeah your right and honestly D I wouldn't have him any other way"
" I wouldn't either gotta love the complaining and the sassyness that's just lou, oh so I found out who invited Jen "
"Who omg I can't believe someone actually invited her"
"El harry invited her"
" Yeah he told me at work I couldn't believe it either but he says she's nice and wanted to go with him so he invited her"
" I can't believe he would invite her and to say she's nice wtf is he thinking "
" I don't know El and she doesn't like me so I know she'll pull crap this weekend "
" she knows you like harry doesn't she?"
Yes I've told El but only El that I like Harry comes on I have to have someone here to talk to about him.
" I don't know"
" well D don't worry you have me and Amelia and Danielle and gigi she's coming too her parents finally agreed do they not trust her and zayn to go somewhere together with friends for the weekend"
" well I'm glad you'll all be there I'll just be the only one with someone , maybe I should just stay home I don't want to sit alone while everyone is having a good time. "
As I'm waiting for a answer from El I hear mom calling me for dinner.
" no you won't and you will have fun I promise buti heard your mom holler at ya for dinner so I'll see you in the morning be ready love ya"
" ok love ya too El see ya in the morning bye"
" Bye D "
I hang up and head downstairs for dinner and eat and get tell mom and dad I'm gonna head up to bed since I'm finished and tell them both good night
I lay down once I get to my room and cut the off and as I fall to sleep all that's on my mind is harry.

Harry's pov...

As I leave from work and head home all I can do is think of D and the fact she's mad at me.
As I park and go in I know I need to talk to someone so after I  tell mum I'm home I go upstairs to call  none other than my best friend louis I dial his number and wait as It rings.
" hey lou what's up?"
" nothing just can't believe someone actually invited Jen Taylor to come tomorrow for the weekend I've had my ears full from El for a bit now"
" Oh ummm lou I invited Jen "
"Wha why would you do that?"
" well we have been on 2 dates and she wanted to come with me so I invited her"
" Oh man haz Jen isn't a nice person"
" she has been nice to me I don't see a problem"
" haz let's just hope there won't be none"
" anyway I actually called because D is mad at me I can't figure out why and its not like her she's never been mad or not really talk"
" when did all that start how long has she been mad for"
" I just figured out at work she's mad she says she isn't but I know she is and as far as when I'd say she's been acting funny or off for the past week and half or so"
"Idk we will figure out over the weekend hopefully she's ok"
"Yeah ok and I hope she is too"
" well gonna go to bed be ready in the morning nialls driving us all "
" ok night lou"
"Night haz bye"
Well thats not how I wanted that conversation to go hopefully he's right and we can figure out everything this weekend.
I lay down and before I know it I'm sound asleep and I dream all night about  a blue eyed and curly brown hair girl I care so much about.

Hey everyone hope your enjoying the story and yes it's just getting started so what do think will happen over the weekend at the beach with Jen there?
Will Dawn have any issues with Jen?
How will everyone else like her ?
We will find out next chapter is about them leaving and going to the beach  so will find out then in the next chapter or chapters.

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