the dropoff

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Hey dad, how come we have to stay with your friends? Scientist asked.

Well we thought it would be nice for you to hang out with them, plus we could use a break from you little rascals. Engineer said jokingly.

Finally they made it to the drop ship, it was getting close to take off and made it just in the nick of time.

Bye mom, bye dad! Winter yelled.

Don't get in too much trouble! Gnome yelled back.

The two kids got on and saw a lot of people on board.

Oh hello there you must be engineer and gnomes kids. A man with  two top hats said.

Yes I'm scientist and this is my sister winter. Scientist replied.

My name is the gentleman, would you like to meet everyone else. He asked.

Sure! Winter said.

I'm sure you two have met a chunk of people here, right? The gentleman asked.

Yep, I know veteran and player. Scientist replied.

Hello guys, engineer and gnomes kids are here! The gentleman said to all to crew.

Immediately a green dressed guy with a leaf ran up to the two.

Hey, I'm stoner, which one of you was born first? He asked.

Uh, me. Scientist replied.


Ugh fine. Someone with a pilot hat said.

What's up with him? Winter asked.

Oh that's stoner, him and that guy captain had a thing where that if your parents had a boy first he owed stoner 20 dollars. The gentleman explained.

Captain went up to the two kids.

Heya, I'm captain, the best captain the ship has ever seen, do you want me to find you two kids a room for you two. He asked.

Sure! Winter replied.

Captain lead the two Kids to their room and helped them get settled in.

Alrighty you both have your own beds and you can set up the rest of your stuff. Captain said.

Stoner showed up.

Hey captain are gonna be quick because.... He then just started whispering to captain.

Captain giggled.

Alright I'll be right there, anyways you two sit tight, I have to leave but I'll help you guys later. Captain said.

He left.

Dad did tell us to worry about stuff people here might say or do. Scientist said.

Well I'm thinking it might be lots of fun here. Winter said.

Yep, but who knows what could happen. Replied scientist.

*End of part 1*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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