lavender scents and black outs

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Dogdays pov:

It's the next day after the sleepover, and I still can't get that kiss out of my head. I know it wasn't genuine, which I wish it was bu-WAIT WHAT I DO NOT MEAN THAT. I need to cool off steam is practically coming out of my ears. I know for a fact Bobby bearhug will come over to my house asking questions about.. you know, but I don't feel like speaking to anyone. So I decided to chill in the woods, the only and most peaceful place there is here.

I am walking to the woods but I hear running not running at me but somewhere I turn around and see Bobby running to my house "Hah I so predicted that" but ran to the woods so she didn't see me.

A few minutes later

I am walking around just chilling and doing random stuff until I get that lavender scent again, but I brush it off because there is a lot of lavender around these parts. But as I turn over behind a tree, I see catnap? Catnap has always been going to the woods lately, probably to get away from everyone else. But I watched him for a while, and he has the lavender he picked from last time and is making a sort of luxurious crown. As I try to sit down, I step on a tree branch, and I hide behind a tree. I don't know why I did. I just did. I must have startled catnap because his ears are up, and he is looking around in my direction. I try to stay as still as I can be so I don't alert him anymore I don't know why I could just go up and talk to him but then I just can't so I am just standing behind a tree. "Another deer maybe," catnap says as sighs. I turn back to look at him, and he is walking away. I slowly follow him as he stops to a tree he puts his crown hidden away in a bush and climbs up the try. He yawns and falls asleep in the middle of the tree on a branch. He is quite an interesting guy if you think about it. But why a tree branch?. His tail is so long that it's just dangling down enough to where I can reach it if I jump a little higher. I take this chance to go over to the bush and check out his crown thing. It takes me a while for me to find it. I am just digging through, and boom, I got it, but at what cost so many thorns on my arm. I examine the close and carefully place flowers. "Woah this is so pretty I wish I could make something like this" thanks" AAAAHHHH" I jump turning around instantly and no one's there then I look up at catnap who is looking down at me. "See, it's not fun getting scared," catnap said, giggling." I know sorry sorry" I can show you how to make one. " Huh?" A crown" catnap said calmly "hm oh sure I would love that" catnap jumps down landing on his feet (cause yk he's a cat) "I knew you weren't a deer" o-oh uhm sorry I was just walking in the wood to chill till I saw you" nah its quite alright sometimes it's a little to quite in here" catnap says as he looks around" do you come here often" when I have free time yeah I like it in here"

We make it to the pile of flowers catnap had slept in before" here pick whatever flowers you like" alrighty, " I say, jumping into the pile of flowers catnap laughs at me

A few minutes later

Catnap and dogday are laughing to each other "Oh and remember when kitchenchicken messed up crafty corn painting she beat him up with just a paint brush" HAHAHA IK THAT WAS SO FUNNY" we both were laughing " you know I really enjoy your company except when you act like a werido sometimes" Oh yeah sorry about that its just I-I honestly don't know what been happening I think it's your scent it's very luring" my scent?" Yeah you always smell like lavender" you have a scent to you know" Ooo I do I do tell me tell me what do I smell like" I get a bit closer so he can smell me better "you smell like vanilla, and you don't got to be that close I can smell you perfectly fine from here" catnap says laughing pushing dogday away by the face. Catnap must have pushed him a little too hard because dogday started rolling down the hill. "AAAAAAHHHH CATNAPPPP," I yell, taking quite a tumble "DOGDAY!" he runs after me. I managed to stop but took some damage a bit but then catnap can't slow down and trips over me and flys in to bush "WOAHHHHHH" *THUD* I start laughing because half of catnap is in the bush while the rest is not. He gets out the bush and starts to pluck out the thorns "ow ow OW" here let me help you I got to walk but then fall again "ouch I must have sprained my leg" I probably sprained my arms" catnap repeated. We both look at each other, then we burst out laughing "cmon let's go to my house. I could fix us up there." Alright, but you gotta help me up. "

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