Love Isn't Meant for Us

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Third Person POV

Love is not meant for those who are not willing to put in the time or effort for their partner. Love is not meant for those who think that love is nothing more than a play thing. Love is not meant for those who believe that true love does not exist. Love is not meant for people who have crossed over to the dark side and given up on life. Love is not meant for people who are too busy trying to love themselves first.

Love is not meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

Akutagawa has no reason to fall in love with someone, he deems that love has no purpose in his life. He is in too deep with the Port Mafia that love can not fit in his heart. He is too busy trying to prove to his ex-mentor that he is far more superior than his new apprentice. Love was an emotion that Akutagawa did not want to feel. Love was something useless to him, something that had no significance.

Atsushi has never known the feeling of what love felt like. He has never known such kindness and warmth. Once he was welcomed into the Armed Detective Agency he was able to feel the warmth of family love but it was different from love love. Besides, how could he ever love someone else when he can't even bring himself to love who he is? He wanted to feel love but, everyone knows you can't love someone else before loving yourself.

Love was not meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

Akutagawa has seen people in love. He always felt revolted and thought those people were blinded by what was truly important in their lives. He walked past couples everyday and wondered what was the point of loving someone other than yourself? Loving someone else took too much time and dedication all for it to end in the most heartbreaking ways imaginable. Love was something that blinded the souls of people and Akutagawa sometimes felt bad for those strong souls who were too blind.

Atsushi always admired people who were in love. He thought it was sweet seeing two people madly in love. He likes the idea of going on a date and spending time with someone he truly cared about. Being in love seemed like a nice feeling to experience. He wanted to do the same things the couples did, wanted to experience such happiness. He wanted to find a partner but he felt as if he was too messed up and broken to be with someone. He felt like he would be nothing more than a burden.

Love was not meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

Though both had different ideals and opinions when it came to various topics, one could not deny how well they worked together. They were like Yin and Yang, they complement each other so well that sometimes it would seem like their relationship was different. They swore they hated each other with a fiery passion, yet they would never allow the other to get hurt. They were both protective of each other, sometimes people questioned if they really were just enemies. Enemies don't look at each other the way they do. Their eyes linger for a second too long every time. But they swear they hate each other deeply.

Love is not meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

Akutagawa and Atsushi were very similar in many ways. Everyone knew that the two had a deeper connection then they led on. Everyone knew that there were times where the two were left alone, they had meaningful talks and actually talked like civilized humans. Akutagawa and Atsushi hated each other, in the eyes of the public. But behind closed doors the two actually didn't hate each other. Behind closed doors the two could talk normally and do things that people from the public could never see. They were close, yet so far.

Love was not meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

Atsushi always felt a strong connection to Akutagawa, he felt as if he was drawn to his presence. Akutagawa always felt something deep down in soul that was telling him to always follow Atsushi around. Akutagawa felt as if he was being drawn to Atsushi's presence. It was like the two were tied to two ends of a string. A very long string.

Love might be meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

There were a couple of instances where Akutagawa and Atsushi got close to each other. Whether it be they learned their heads on each other's shoulder, held hands when no one was around, or even hugged one another. They would never do such things in public, but behind closed doors and in their own private areas, they were very close physically but never mentally. Little touches ignited a small flame in their chest. Both didn't know what it could mean. It confused them all the same, wondering why they felt so flustered when they touched. They hated each other, so they shouldn't want to touch each other. But, they do.

Love might be meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

Akutagawa and Atsushi hated each other from the beginning. But as time went on, that hatred slowly changed into something more beautiful. After the thunder pulsing rain, a small ray of sunshine was breaking through the clouds. There would be brief moments where both wished they weren't rivals and could be, something else. They didn't know what they wanted to be but enemies didn't quite suit them.

Love was meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi.

Though it didn't seem like it, both deeply loved one another. They knew they were in love the moment when they locked eyes, moved closer together, and their lips met each other. The day they first kissed, was filled with other firsts. It was like all of their pent up emotions were being let out. That day they touched each other in places where no one else could. They did things to each other that no one saw. They loved each other as if no one else could ever love them the same way. That night they weren't enemies, but rather something else. Something much more meaningful. Maybe, just maybe, they could become lovers in the future. Perhaps their walls that they have built up so high, would come crumbling down from a tidal wave of emotions.

Love was meant for Akutagawa and Atsushi, but their lives could never allow it. The world is too cruel to let them have happiness.

The End <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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