Detectives work.

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Fire spirit anxiously paces back and forth in front of the Old Tree. Ever so often he would spit out a petal or even a small flower seed. 

Hanahaki disease. A disease of unrequited love. He tries to process the significance of these words, his mind swirling with a mix of worry, hope, and determination. 

With a deep breath, Fire spirit turns to the Millennial Tree, his eyes filled with determination. "Great Tree," he begins, his voice resolute. "I refuse to let these flowers- cough take over me. I will find a way to confess my feelings to my "Beloved" and make them understand." 

The tree's leaves rustle softly, almost as if it is encouraging him.

As Fire spirit speaks his words of determination, a gentle breeze sweeps through the forest, carrying with it the whispers of the ancient trees. The Millennial Tree's voice resonates in Fire spirit's ears.

 "Fire spirit," it repeats, "Love is a powerful force that can drive us to great lengths. But remember, the road to confessing your feelings and finding reciprocation may not be easy. It will require courage and vulnerability."

Fire spirit nods , his determination flickering in his eyes. "I understand," he replies, his voice filled with newfound courage. "I am prepared to face whatever challenges- cough lie ahead. I won't let these flowers consume me without a fight."

The Millennial Tree nods. "Good," it says. "But remember, Fire spirit, love is not something to be rushed. Take the time to understand your own feelings and ensure that you are ready to bear your heart's burden before confessing." Fire spirit chuckles "Thank you, Great tree." He bows respectfully to the Tree, before flying off.

Goodness, what would he do?

. . .

Wind archer stood alone in the forest, his mind racing at Fire spirit's sudden leave. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and disappointment. What had just happened? Did he say something wrong? He replayed their conversation in his mind, searching for answers that seemed to elude him. As the minutes ticked by, Wind archer couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled over him. He was sickly worried about that spirit.

The gentle whispering of the wind seemed to match Wind archer's ponderings, as if the forest itself shared his concerns. He couldn't stand the thought of Fire spirit being in trouble. He just sighed, he didn't want to disturb him or whatever he was doing.

Besides, he would just come later right?

. . .

Fire spirit soared through the seemingly burnt sky, his mind filled to the brim by thoughts of what the great tree said about this disease.

"Is it Chronic Until I die?" , "What happens if I never confess to. .-" he cut himself off. Who was exactly the person he fancied?

He knows a lot.. alot.. alot of people. It could have been one of the "Puny earthlings'' Pitaya talks about- or even someone like him.. A legendary?

Fire spirit's thoughts spin with uncertainty as he tries to pinpoint the object of his affection. The more he pondered, the more faces flooded his mind.

Each one brought back memories of laughter and friendships, making it even harder for him to identify the source of his unrequited feelings.

At this point, he was paused up in the air, just floating there, thinking. Every so often he coughs, yet nothing comes out.

With a sigh, Fire spirit decided that he needed some guidance. He flew towards the kingdom, where he would usually find a pair together.

He kept flying for a while, until he found old pals residing in a small cottage.

Flowers so precious yet deadly.Where stories live. Discover now