Ch 1: Settling In

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Fugaku Uchiha blinked his eyes closed. He did not reopen them. The image still didn't fade away from his minds eye. The adult form of his youngest son was sitting across from him at their kitchen table. Along with his husband? Who was none other than the adult form of Naruto Uzumaki the nine tails jinchuuriki. Sasuke had a husband. His son... had married a man. Fugaku was not happy. He needed a stronger drink than tea right now, but Mikoto wasn't getting any sake glasses out. The woman was as shocked as he was.

" gotta explain something here." Naruto whispered none so discreetly speaking low in Sasuke's ear. "I don't know how much more tea I can drink before I have to take a whizz. It's been 2 hours man. Cmon. Get it together."

"Why do I have to explain anything anyways?" Sasuke hissed back looking genuinely distressed. "Your the one who has his face chiseled on the mountain with the rest of the stone heads years from now. Your the seventh hokage you do it."

"He's your father you bastard!" Naruto exclaimed as if that was his winning argument- he leaned closer to his husband with a deepening glare.

"Yeah, and he's never fucking cared to listen to anything I've ever had to say before. We should have waited for past Itachi to get back with past us."

"We don't have time to wait for Itachi. We need to make a strategy now. That was your idea."

"I know but-"

"He's your dad. The guy looks like he wants to use his sharingan to genjutsu me to death. I'm not talking to him! What are you crazy!? Your the one whose the shadow kage! You deal with the threats to me -the village, everything! Especially externally and the past is way out of bounds. This is your area."

"You married in to my family you moron. That makes him your father too! He's not going to hurt you."

"If you boys keep squabbling like children I might be inclined to smack the both of you." Fugaku finally reopened his eyes. "I don't really have any qualms about it now that you're grown."

Sasuke winced immediately. He hadn't heard that tone since he was a boy and it wasn't a good one.

"Sorry." Sasuke murmured softly. "I..." he cast his gaze to the wood table. "...haven't seen you in a while."

Sasuke quieted as his father continued to glare. He hadn't been under that gaze since he was a child. Some fearsome kage level ninja he was. He wanted to run upstairs and hide under Itachi's bed.

"Fugaku, give them a moment..." Mikoto uttered gently.

"They've already had ample moments. We've been sitting here for hours!"

"Okay, okay, we get it. Where to begin? So you see it all started when-" Naruto bit his lip looking to Sasuke suddenly pained. "This conversations gonna be too long. I really gotta go."

Sasuke grit his teeth. "Are you kidding right now?"

"Your mom keeps refilling my cup! You told me not to be rude. It's your fault."

"Urgh." Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose and pointed with his free hand. "Down the hall, to the left, and my moms home so shut the door when you go." He grabbed the front of Naruto's shirt and held up his tea cup with the other. He looked his husband dead in the eye. "If you come back with unwashed or semi rinsed hands I will take this cup and shove it so far up your ass Kurama's gonna get a hold of it, and you'll be pissing tea for a week. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it. Hands. Wash. Soap and water. Geez being in the past has you seriously grouchy."

"Hurry up and go," Sasuke snapped. "I'm not explaining this shit by myself. Everything's complicated enough."

"Yeah, yeah, alright." Naruto yawned. "Yeesh babe. Drink some more tea," He gave Sasuke's shoulders a comforting little rub. Sasuke scowled at him. "Simmer down." He kissed the top of Sasuke's head. "I'll be back in a minute."

"Use soap Naruto." Sasuke called after him a final time.

"Your such a damned nag." Naruto disappeared from view.

Sasuke glared after him, eyes narrowing. He crossed his arms. He better use soap.

Fugaku cleared his throat and Sasuke's attention was regained. A light blush colored Sasuke's cheeks.

"Just tell me what I need to know." Fugaku's patience had run thin.

"Assassins are nothing out of the ordinary for us. They want my eyes...or to rip Kurama out of Naruto...we're Kage and married and some people don't like that. It's expected to be met with a sword at our necks every other Tuesday, but this time was different.

Our foe realized he couldn't win so he used a jutsu to propel him back in time....he's going to come after young Naruto and I. I copied his jutsu so we could follow. I think we beat him here given I put more chakra into it than he did but...I can't say for sure. We have a few plans brewing but nothing concrete yet. Figured our best course of action was to just come clean instead of sneaking around and freaking you all out unnecessarily."

"That's very considerate of you, Sasuke." Mikoto smiled as she walked in with fresh cups of tea.

"Actually, Naruto insisted we do it this first plan was to kidnap ourselves without a word."

"Oh goodness." Mikoto settled her hand on her hip. "You would have had us all worried sick."

"Yeah, I realize that now." Sasuke had the decency to look sheepish. ""

"Hey! We're home!"

"Woah! Sasuke your house is huge you know!" Kid Naruto exclaimed.

"Take off your shoes!" Kid Sasuke scolded him. "You're so messy!"

"No way." Sasuke grinned looking to Itachi. "You pulled Naruto out too? Way to go Itachi."

"Sure. He was skipping class. It was easy." Itachi smiled at his younger-older? Older-younger brother. This was all so strange.

"Who are you talking to?" Kid Sasuke demanded looking to Itachi.

Itachi grabbed kid Sasuke's collar to prevent him from seeing in to the kitchen. "Sorry Sasuke, your not allowed to go in there right now. Maybe next time."

"Urgh, Well, Why'd we have to bring a loser like Naruto home with us? You promised you'd say when we got home."

"He's your friend. You should spend time with your friends."

Kid Sasuke's nose scrunched in distasteful confusion.



He didn't have that.

"Go up to your room and play, Sasuke. Take Naruto with you. I'll be up too. I'll just be a minute. I have to talk with mom and dad first okay? Then I'll be right there."

"Okay!" Kid Sasuke chirped. The prospect of getting to play with Itachi chasing all his questions away.

"Race you!" Kid Sasuke punched Naruto's arm.

"What no fair!" Kid Naruto exclaimed bolting after him. "Sasuke wait up!"

"Takes you back doesn't it?" Naruto sat back down at the table.

"Shut up." Sasuke smiled. "We're not here to reminisce."

"Right. Down to business then." Naruto agreed.  "We have to save our asses."

"Our lives Naruto." Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Those too." Naruto nodded.

Okay. First chapter. Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Let me know!

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