Ch 11: Not For Me

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Naruto and little Sasuke were sat out on the front stairs of the Uchiha's house. Even though Sasuke had told Mikoto they wouldn't be back that day, after everything that happened, Naruto figured the best place to bring the kid was back home. She was still cleaning the mess Sasuke had made in the kitchen when they arrived. Fugaku had already gone to work at the police station. Naruto was thankful the other man was gone. After the way they'd quite literally stormed out Naruto was in no rush to see him. Shisui had to go too but Naruto didn't blame the kid. They'd taken up so much of his time. He made sure to thank Shisui for his help.

Little Sasuke had woken up a bit ago physically and emotionally drained. He got close to becoming hysterical again for a few minutes when Mikoto refused to let him go out searching again but he'd calmed down greatly since hearing his older self was searching for Naruto's younger self. It helped to know he was the one still looking. The boy had a cup that he couldn't even fit his little hands around settled in his lap. It was so tall it stood up to his chest. The boy drinking through a blue bendy straw.

"Drink all that tomato juice okay? We need to get your energy back up. Sharingan drains lots of chakra. I'd give you some of mine but your body's so tiny I think if I even gave you a drop you might get your Rinnegan and that'll just drain your chakra worse. That'd be real bad."

"Rinnegan?" Sasuke paused in his drinking. He looked at Naruto curious. "What's that?"

"It's like a sharingan but way more cool. Only downside is it's always active and draining your chakra." Naruto laughed a bit as he leaned back on his hands. "Man it's so weird knowing more about dojutsu than you do. You're usually the one telling me all about 'em."

"Really?" Little Sasuke wondered eye brows rising. "I know a lot?"

"Course you do. You're super knowledgeable bout all kinds of jutsu and stuff." Naruto grinned that signature eye closed smile of his. "You're a real genius Sasuke."

Sasuke's smile fell away. His eyes flicked down to the ground. His posture slumped. He bowed his head and slowly swirled the straw in his cup in a circle. He watched a spiral form in the liquid completely morose.

Naruto's eyes blinked open. He'd expected Sasuke to barrage him with more questions after that comment. Wanted to get at least a few more excited really's out of him. Instead... silence was all the hokage got. Blue eyes studied the subdued boy. Naruto knew what that slumped over posture meant. He recognized this abrupt silence well. Sasuke was too tiny to look as down as his adult self. Naruto nudged him with his leg. "Hey, Sas, what's with the shadowy bang thing? We were havin' such a nice chat."

"You're wrong." The kid mumbled out, shoulders sagged. A complete change in demeanor from before. "Genius..." Sasuke slumped further. "... that words not for me."

"Huh? Not for you?"  Naruto's eyebrows scrunched in confusion and concern. What the hell was little Sasuke talking about? What did he mean that word wasn't for him? "Sasuke..."

"Don't Sasuke me! You're wrong!" Sasuke snapped his voice raising, fingers clenching around his cup. "You're an idiot! You don't know anything!"

"I know you." Naruto insisted, an underlying earnestness seeping into his tone. "Hey... you're special, Sasuke. Believe me. Geniuses like you are really rare."

"Shut up! I'm not, okay? If you really did know me then you would know that!"

Sasuke grit his teeth. Those words had never been applied to him before. Not in all his life. Rare? Genius? Him? Naruto was such an idiot. It was always his brother who got compliments like these. Never him.

"Sasuke? Everything all right out there?" Mikoto called from inside as she carried a laundry basket in her arms. She'd heard the
upset in her sons voice.

"No! Naruto's stupid! Obviously..." the young boy snapped, in one toss his was juice spattered on the ground, the cup rolling in the mess.

"Sas-hey! Where are you going?" Naruto frowned as the kid got up, and headed inside.
Naruto watched the little boy leave with pain in his eyes. He'd always thought Sasuke started feeling worthless the way he did because of the massacre. His husband didn't like talking about his family or his past. Naruto respected that to a certain degree. Made his assumptions accordingly with what little information he could get. But looking into his younger selfs eyes...that feeling was already there plain as day. It just about killed Naruto to realize it-to witness it. How could someone as amazing as Sasuke feel like they would never be good enough?

"That boy..." Mikoto sighed tiredly walking out with a rag to mop up the mess.

"I've got it."Naruto reached for the cloth.

" You're a guest." Mikoto waved Naruto away as she bent down.

"That better not be more blood." The Adult Sasuke showed up with Itachi at his side. The younger Naruto at his side, clinging to his cloak.

"Just juice. You threw a sort of tantrum. I think I hit a sore spot..." Naruto winced. "Called you a genius."

"Naruto." Sasuke gave him a look.

"What? Don't you go denying it too." Adult Naruto got up with a huff about to chew his husband out when he noticed his younger self and grinned. "Ah, wait little me! Perfect! I think Sasuke went upstairs- go after him. It'll lift his mood right up seeing you're okay."


Here's another chapter guys! Sorry the updates are coming out a little slower than I anticipated, life you know? Anyways stay tuned for more!

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