Valentine's Day Special (Edited)

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The classroom door was slammed open and standing there, with that grin carefree on his face, was Marito. Making everyone in the room, especially me, look at him. While everyone else was confused, I was fuming.

How the hell did he get access to my school!? Better yet, HOW THE HELL DID HE FIND MY CLASS!?!

In only a few seconds, Marito spotted me and grinned wider as he bounded his way over to me.


"Let's go Koibito-chan!!"

"To where!?!"

As I fought with Marito as he began to lift me out of my desk, Aoi was watching with bug-eyed confusion. Just like everyone else in the room.

After a few more seconds, the green and black-haired adrenaline junkie finally managed to lift me out of my desk and over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Beginning to book it the very moment that he did, grinning and snickering as he did.


While I was literally being kidnapped, Aoi and the rest of the class, and the teacher, were trying to process what just happened.


"You owe me big time you Adrenaline Junkie!!" I hissed, livid at Marito. Glaring at him on the other side of the table, my arms crossed over my chest.

After he had kidnapped me from my school, I was taken to a cafe that was giving out free desserts to couples due to it being Valentine's Day. A few other couples sat at other tables to take advantage of the opportunity.

For as long as I can remember, or ever since we were in grade school, Marito had always done something on this day. So, I honestly expected him to do something today, but I didn't expect him to literally kidnap me during school and take me here. But what did I expect? He's Jin Marito for fuck's sake. The adrenaline-seeking leader of Siguma who's obsessed with me.

"Relax, Koibito-chan! It's just a little detention, nothing big, "he yammered while he was finishing up the food that he ordered.

I scoffed at his words, taking a sip of the chocolate milkshake that I ordered. Finding it to be rude to not get anything since I was here.

While we were occupied, the waiter came around with our free dessert.

"Alright, you two! Enjoy!"

Setting the plate down, there were two pieces of chocolate cake. The two pieces have a nice and classic design.

Finishing off my milkshake, I leaned back in my seat and rested my arm on the back of it. Since I was taken here, I just figured that Marito probably wanted to take advantage of getting some free food.

"Hey, Koibito-chan!"

"Huh- Mmhf!?!"

I almost choked when a fork full of cake was stuffed into my mouth, coughing as I swallowed it down and glaring at Marito.

"What the hell?!"

"Haha! Sorry, Koibito-chan!" He giggled as he took another piece of cake with his fork.

Expecting him to stuff it into my face again, I readjusted myself in my seat. Only to be caught off guard by him to eat the piece himself, a sly look on his face as he started an indirect kiss.

"You...!" I muttered as I felt my cheeks begin to blush.

From seeing my reaction, Marito snickered as he took out the fork from his mouth.

"What's wrong, Koibito-chan~?" He smirked as he messed with the fork a little.

This asshole...!!

You know full well what you're doing!!










After finishing the chocolate cake and paying for the meal,  I was dragged by Marito to random places. Places such as the arcade for example.

Losing count of the hours, it was about time that I had to head home. Knowing Aoi, she probably already dropped off my school bag there when school finished.

When I arrived home, I suddenly remembered something.

"Here, "I huffed, holding out a box of chocolates in my hand. Having had it my jacket pocket.

"Oya? What's this?" Marito asked with an owlish expression.

I rolled my eyes at his response.

"Chocolates. Duh. My mom made some and gave me two boxes of them. I already gave one to my friend and I just remembered that I had the other one with me. I figured I would just give it to you since I don't know anyone else I could give it to."

Knowing my mom, she probably gave me two just in case I'd have a shoujo anime moment or those romantic drama moments like in her favorite TV show.

For a long moment, Marito just stared at the box before smirking and chuckling.

"Awww!! You shouldn't have, Koibito-chan~!" He snickered as he took the box from me, making me scoff in response.

"Don't go thinking too much about it, "I huffed as I crossed my arms and turned my head to the side.

But he wasn't listening as I heard him giggling once again, hearing the chains on his pants rattling as he moved closer.

"Sure, Koibito-chan, "he tittered, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?"


It certainly wasn't anything when I felt Marito's lips on my forehead before he moved away. From the unexpected action, it took me a moment to comprehend what happened and felt a raging blush come to my face.


"See ya later, Koibito-chan~!"

With the box of chocolates in his possession, he began to leave for his home. Turning his body slightly to gaze at me while smiling and waving until he was a far enough distance away.

Watching him until he disappeared with a blush, I then began to grumble under my breath. Feeling a mix of emotions, mostly irritation, over what happened today.

As expected, I did get detention, once again. But I at least had some fun I guess. The lesson going on in class was boring anyway, so I guess I can thank Marito for that...

Just standing there for a moment or two, I then huffed as I began to make my way inside. Silently hoping that Mom wasn't up to see all of that.


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