Kuro!Kaneki x Reader~ Contagious Smile

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  Guys this is my first one shot. wowee. This was requested by Lily99638 and blah blah blah. okay now for the story.

  You are walking down the street to go get coffee from this one place your friend told you about. As you take your steps down this path you look at a paper which says the address. You were never very good at remembering certain things. After you zone out for a second you look up and see this is the place where you were sent. A bell jingles as you are greeted by two friendly faces. After you sit down at a table you grab a book from your bag, turning to the page you left off on.

    "Could I get you something to drink ma'am?"says a dark haired boy. You were a little startled so you kind of jumped. "Oh I will have a, um, a plain coffee please."  He soon comes back with a plain coffee and says,"Oh hey, I really enjoyed that book when I read it." "This is my first time reading it but I really like it so far." He smiles awkwardly then says," May I ask your name?"  "My name is (F/N), you?" "Kaneki." You nod awkwardly, not knowing what to say next. After a second of silence Kaneki says,"Well, just let me know if you need anything." "Will do.", you say as he walks off.

  He seems nice. You think to yourself as you sip your coffee. 

~Time skip to the next day~

  After you get ready in the morning you head to you kitchen to make your daily dose of coffee but yo pause in your tracks remembering the coffee you had yesterday. The coffee I had there was pretty good and it would be nice to talk to that guy again. You grab your coat and start walking in the direction of the coffee shop. 

  Once you arrive, you are greeted once again but this time with a,"Welcome back!" You Quietly say hello then sit down at the bar and pulled out the same book you were reading yesterday. Kaneki turns around asks,"What would you like to drink?" "Another plain coffee please." You reply. He makes the coffee then sets it in front of you. "So, do you live around here?" he asks, trying to break the silence.

"Yes, I live down the street."

"Me too.  Do you also have a job near here?"

"Yeah. I work at a candy shop close to my house. It's nice to have a short commute."

"I agree. I am happy I don't have to sit in traffic like some others."

  You continue to converse and get to know each other. Once you look at you realize you have to be at your work soon. "I have to get going but I will be back tomorrow.", You say as you walk out the door.

  For the rest of the day, all you can think about the boy from the  coffee shop. All the thoughts that come across your mind end up being about about him.

  The next day, you get ready as fast as you can then go to the coffee shop. Kaneki greets you once again with his Contagious Smile

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