32. taemin 😋🫠

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In park's office

Tae: I never thought that this work is much complicated

He again start making designs for dresses but than Someone came behind him

Tae: ji- Mr park you are here

Jimin: yeah I want to see your design

Tae: actually my designs are not ready yet (pout)

Jimin: it's okay just show me

Jimin: well after seeing your designs, I think it's bit tough for you

Tae: I know it's been years since I did fashion designing (pout)

Jimin: but it's not an impossible work tae, you are talented person

You just need practice nothing else

Tae: thanks for your appreciation

Jimin: let me help you in this

Jimin start helping tae in his work and both were talking about work and designs

Tae: thanks Mr park

Jimin: we are done now

The secretary came to them with a little boy and girl with her , the little boy is pouting

Jimin: taeming minnie what are doing here

Taeming: dadda promise taeming that he will pick me up form school but he didn't come

Jimin; dadda is really sorry babies

Taeming: *pout*

Minnie: dadda is bad

Jimin: minnie you are also his side

Tae: babies you know why your dadda didn't come to pick you up

Minnie: wae

Tae: because we discussing about your favorite ice-cream

Taeming ans minnie: really (sparkling eyes)

Tae: yesss right Mr park

Jimin: yess , secretary take them to ice-cream cafe , we will come after sometime

Secretary take them out with her

Tae: you didn't told me you are married

Jimin: taeming and minnie they are my kids

Tae: than did you adopt them

Jimin: no actually after my brother's death they live with me

When they are babies sis in law and brother died after that I am their father and mother both

Tae: you are really strong jimin

Jimin: smiled

Tae: have you ever think about getting married

Jimin: well no because I never found someone who really love me for who I am (clucked)

Tae: there many good girls in this world maybe one of them are waiting for you

Jimin: I hope so

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