Your intentions?

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The drive home is silent, both Daniel and Stevie trying to process the events of the evening.
Daniel only now starts to realize that he played a part in saving Peter's life. It doesn't feel like that, he doesn't feel like a hero or whatever, he just did what he needed to do and he would do it all over again if he had to.

Not because he wants to be the hero, he doesn't want to be called that.
He's just really happy Seb and himself were there at the right time.

The idea of Peter not making it isn't something he wants to let in. It would have devastated Stevie and Trudy so much.
All he can hope for now is that Stevie was right when she said Peter was going to be fine.

When they get back home they see Melissa's car still parked on the drive way. So she and Seb are still there, which they didn't have to do, but it's very sweet of them. They are so lucky to have friends like Seb and Melissa.

Stevie and Daniel go inside and find Tina with Seb and Melissa on the lounge. They quickly jump up, their faces worried and questioning.
"Thanks for staying here guys. My dad is now on the intensive care unit and he will be fine." Stevie tells them.
"Really? Oh that's amazing. Was he awake when you saw him?" Melissa asks her.

"No but when I gave him a kiss before I left I saw he tried to smile at me. So I know he will be ok."
Daniel didn't know that, she didn't speak at all when they were driving home, but neither did he, his mind was spinning too much and so was hers.

"Well let's hope he will be awake tomorrow so you can talk to him." Seb says as he comes over for a hug.
"Thanks again Seb for everything you did today. And Melissa, thanks for being there for me when I was a complete mess."

Stevie hugs both their friends.
"You guys should go home and sleep. It's been a crazy long day and I'm sure you are just as exhausted as I am."
"Yeah I have to say I feel like I was up for days. Let us know if anything changes ok? Or if you need anything." Seb yawns. The fatigue is finally catching up and he can't wait to get in bed with Melissa in his arms. Luckily they don't have to go to the factory tomorrow, so maybe they will just stay in bed all day.

"Yeah of course. Thanks again. Have a good night."
After a final hug, Seb and Melissa leave to go to Melissa's house where Seb now stays whenever he is in the UK.

"So he really is going to be ok?" Tina asks when it's just the three of them.
"Yeah I believe he will be. Thanks for being here for the kids Tina." Stevie smiles.
She feels exhausted, the adrenaline is now leaving her body and she is drained. Physically and emotionally.

"I'm so happy to hear that. I'll be off to bed now. I'll be here tomorrow if you go to the hospital. You don't have to worry about the kids, just be with your father as much as you need to be." Tina reassures her, glad she can do something. Now Stephanie can just be with her father without having to arrange something for the kids.

"Thanks Tina. You're the best." Stevie gives the young woman a hug trying to make her feel how grateful she is that Tina was there today.
"Don't worry about it. Whatever I can do to help I will do."

When Tina has also left, the silence in the living room is deafening. The only sounds are those of Stevie and Daniel's breaths and the creaking of the floor upstairs as Tina makes her way to her bedroom.

Slowly Stevie turns to face Daniel. He looks completely drained. Too exhausted to even smile and too overwhelmed to talk. It's like everything that happened today has suddenly caught up with him and now his brain is processing.

She can see his eyes start to get a bit hazy as they fill with the tears he has been holding in.
Sure he shed a few, but he fought against most of them just to be strong for Stevie and Trudy.
But now in the silence of their home, the severity of todays events hit him like a freight train.

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