Tomorrow 10 o'clock

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"Baby let's not panic. It might be nothing." Daniel tries to calm Stevie down who is still in the shower, her hair still full of conditioner as she is sobbing after he confirmed he feels the lumps as well.
Truth be told he is freaking out on the inside but he knows he can't show it. He has to be strong and calm for Stevie, she has to be able to lean on him.

"But you felt it too. It's back isn't it? I thought it wouldn't come back. Oh my god what do I do now?" Stevie's thoughts are all over the place, all she can think about is the cancer being back. She will have to have at least another surgery and maybe this time they will have to do more treatments or get her breasts cut off. What if it has spread? What if they can't help her this time?

"Baby, first of all you have to rinse your hair. I will take Zara to get her dressed and then when you are done we will talk about what the next step will be." Daniel says calmly, or at least he is pretending to be, for her sake.
Stevie nods, her eyes showing that she is miles away and she moves on auto pilot as she steps back under the warm water.

Daniel quickly grabs a towel and then comes back to get Zara out of her seat so he can dry her off and get her dressed.
"Daddy! What you doing?" Cole comes over to Zara's bedroom to see what's taking Daniel so long.
"Mommy just needed some help so I'm getting your sister ready."

He gently dries Zara's body with the towel when Cole comes up to him with a diaper, a romper and Zara's pyjama's. He loves to help and he can feel something is not completely right.
"Thank you buddy. I appreciate your help. You truly are the best big brother aren't you?"

Cole looks up at him, his eyes filled with pride by the compliment Daniel gave him. He loves his little sister and he loves his parents. So for his dad to see he is a good big brother makes him feel really good about himself.

Daniel can hear the water in the shower stop running so he assumes Stevie will come to the living room when she is ready.
As soon as Zara is all done he takes the kids back to the room so they can play for a while.

Zara and Cole are on the floor surrounded by toys while Daniel watches over them from the kitchen.
He leans on the counter, trying to collect his thoughts. He is absolutely terrified of what this might mean. What if the cancer is back? The doctors said they removed everything, did they fuck up? It hasn't even been a year since the surgery and now she has lumps again. How many are there, what are they?

All these questions are going through his head making him run his hand through his hair. He is so scared that this time it won't be just a surgery, that this time maybe she needs chemo or other treatments.

He shakes his head, it's not good to think the worst. They don't even know if the lumps are something bad, maybe it's scar tissue. Maybe it's something else. It has to be something else.

In the bedroom Stevie is standing in front of a mirror, she has dried herself but isn't dressed yet.
She is looking at her chest to see if she sees anything different. There aren't any visible lumps on the outside, there isn't any discoloration anywhere. Maybe she imagined it, but then she remembers Daniel felt it too.

She has no idea how to get through this weekend now. If she could she would hop on a plane right now and go home to get herself checked out. She doesn't know if she can though. She has already missed a raceweekend and she knows how many important guests the team will have this weekend.

Her hands go back to her breasts, she doesn't want to feel those lumps again, but she can't stop herself. This time she knows where they are so she finds them even quicker. A sob escapes her when she feels them. The first time she felt lumps in her breasts she was scared, but she didn't know they were tumors. This time she is beyond terrified.

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