Chapter 6

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I study the wooden ceiling and let out a sigh of boredom. My throbbing headache rages on as I think through all of this confusion. What if Chris is mad at me? Will he stop caring for me? Is Chris just using me for sex? And is Meghan okay?

I've been alone in the captain's quarters for about 30 minutes now. I listen for the sound of Chris's gruff voice, but I only hear the crashing of waves.


I spend another 30 minutes counting sheep while I lay alone. Finally, the boredom drives me crazy. With a grunt, I sit myself up and try to walk. I lightly press my right ankle on the ground to test out its strength. The pain is building up, but it's not nearly as bad as yesterday. I limp over to the cabinet to search for something to munch on. What do pirates eat anyway? If Chris is a modern day pirate, does he eat stuff that a real pirate would?

The cabinet is opened with a squeak and it's nothing exceeding my expectations. There's just a variety of half finished bottles of liquor. I sigh as I push them aside, looking for some good tasting food. I reach into the back of the cabinet and groan as I find absolutely no food - just the oldest and dustiest of the liquor bottles.

To continue my search for food, I limp over to the other side of Chris's room. There's a jumble of broken crates and supplies, so I begin to snoop through them. Sadly, I'm only finding spices and old tools. My stomach rumbles and I purse my lips in annoyance.

With a few strong hops, I get myself to the door and open it up. The bright sunlight forces me to squint my eyes. I'm fazed at first, but then I recollect myself.

"Chris?" I call out. The only reply is silence. "Um, Captain Bowes?" I call out louder. There's still no response. I'm shocked to see that the ship is docked at an island. There is no one else in sight. Have I been deserted? I hop over to the other side of the ship and away from the captain's quarters to explore.

A short and chunky pirate is swabbing the deck about 15 feet away from me.
"Hello?" I call out. He looks up from his job and I beckon him over.

"What ye be wantin?" he asks me. The pirate scowls and looks at me as if I'm something he found on the bottom of his shoe.

I ignore his rude stares and clear my throat before telling him,"I'm looking for the captain. You know who I'm talking about...Chris?"

"Hm..." he mutters thoughtfully. "The last time I seen him was when he be drinkin' rum with a wench. He thought she was a mighty fine young lady."

" So you're saying he was cheating on me?" I ask the pirate, now with an angrier tone.

"Ha-ha-ha-harr," he laughs out. "Yer a wench! Ye can't be expectin' a pirate to be loyal to ye," he says like it's common sense.

I feel my lip quiver and my brow drop out of the heavy sadness. An idiot is what I feel like. I knew Chris was a partying pirate. His lifestyle was obviously not a good fit for mine. Psh, I'm just a 17 year old girl!

"Okay thanks," I tell the pirate as I trudge back to the captain's quarters. A single tear crawls out of my eye and trickles down my cheek. I take a slow blink and a shaky breath. This is what heartbreak feels like. I would have never guessed Chris Bowes would be the first man to break my heart.

After a minute of painful limping, I've made it back to Chris's room and I begin to sob as I enter his room. Now, it seems like I know Chris's room better than Chris himself. I cry out in despair as I plop down onto the hammock.

Just last night I was kissing Chris in this hammock. But because I was a coward and too scared for sex, I ruined it all! I don't even care about waiting until marriage for sex anymore! I don't want abstinence, I want Chris!

Another flood of tears comes streaming down my face when I realize I'll have to deal with Chris when he comes back soon. What do I do if he brings another wench home? I cry even harder. I've had enough. If Meghan and I had never snuck in to that stupid Alestorm concert, we wouldn't even be in this mess. My parents' faces fill my mind, and I wish that I could see them again.

My pathetic sobbing session is interrupted by a banging on the door. Chris barges in and I get a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach. I stare at him like a deer in headlights as he sets down a few wooden crates in the corner.

"What ye be crying about?" Chris asks with a great look of concern on his face. He walks over to the hammock as I cover my face in embarrassment.

"You know what you did," I spat.

Chris is obviously taken aback by my comment. After a moment, he replies, "Arr, I don't know what I did."

I clench my fists out of anger and look down at my bandaged ankle. I can't bear to even glance at Chris right now. Finally, I say, "One of your seamen said you were talking with another wench, you dirty rotten cheater."

"Oh! Ha-ha-ha-har!" Chris laughs. Why the hell is he laughing? "I only be talkin' to other wenches for free rum and doubloons. Yer my favorite wench."

My face flushes and I look back down at my feet in embarrassment. Just like last night, I had flipped out on Chris. I'm such an idiot for treating him this way. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.

"Hey, I'll forgive ye. Ye just gotta relax and drink some rum," Chris says soothingly. He rushes over to his alcohol cabinet and pulls out a thick bottle of dark brown liquid. This is rum. This is the sacred drink Alestorm always sings about.

Chris unscrews the cap and sits down on the hammock next to me. "Sit on me lap," he whispers in my ear. Chills run through my body at the sensation of Chris being so close again. Without a word, I obey his order and sit on his lap with my arms wrapped around him. Chris has me wrapped around his little finger, and he knows it.

He feeds me the bottle of rum like a bottle for a baby and I chug the dark liquor. I'm halfway done with chugging the bottle when I remember my best friend that I hadn't seen since the pirate metal concert, Meghan.

I push back the bottle and rum and ask,"Chris! Is Meghan okay? What happened to her?"

"Oh I sent her to my friend Captain Hook. Don't worry, she be havin' the time o' her life right now."

I give a silent nod as Chris continues to feed me the rum. I didn't know much about Meghan, but at least she was happy with her favorite pirate.

Finally, I finish the rum and Chris looks down at me with an approving smile. He plants a kiss on my forehead and I shiver in excitement. This rum is really starting to make me feel all lovey dovey about Chris, and I'm not sure if I want it to happen.

Without even thinking, I quickly pull in Chris for a deep kiss just like the one from yesterday. A warm feeling flows over my whole body as I pull back to look him in the eyes. His brown eyes seem to pierce down into my soul and know all my feelings. A high pitched giggle comes out of me because Chris's stubble tickles my chin.

Chris breaks our kiss to take off his shirt, and my vision begins to get warbly. It's happening. I'm getting drunk. I run my hands up and down Chris's back while we kiss, and I can't stop myself. My memory and sense of perception are fading at this point, and I struggle to keep myself making the right decisions. I feel Chris taking off my clothes, and I want to stop him on the inside, but I can't. I can't seem to form the right words. The last memory I have that night is of Chris's bare body next to mine. I knew I had made a terrible mistake.

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