Chapter 5.

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I wake up lying face down on Chris's hammock. It puzzles me how he managed to leave the hammock without waking me. Once again, Chris is at his oven preparing a meal for us. But this time, he is in only in a pair of gray stained boxers. In the far right corner, I notice Chris's clothes on a clothesline air drying.

To avoid awkward conversations with Chris half naked, I pretend to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, I'm too late. Chris turns around and approaches me. This is just a replay of yesterday's failed attempt of me being sneaky.

"Aye, good morning, Brooke," Chris whispers in a croaky morning voice.

"Good morning, Cap'n Chris," I reply back in a sweet voice.

Once again, Chris carries me over his shoulder and this time, I'm less tense about it. He smells like spice and sweat, which is a surprisingly good combination. My chin brushes against his chiseled back, which is strong from strenuous pirate work.

Chris plops me back down on a wooden chair and sets the table for the two of us just like he did last night. This morning, the meal is oatmeal with cinnamon sprinkled on top with a side biscuit. And the drink - beer. I hum Drink by Alestorm as Chris serves me.

"Did ye know that these biscuits only be made out of flour and seawater?" Chris asks me with his eyes wide in amazement.

"Yeah I can tell," I reply with a chuckle as I struggle to chew the stale biscuit.

Chris furrows his brows while he thinks of a way to make the biscuits more enjoyable. " Well, let's see what food in me cabinets will help you," he replies in a smiley manner as he walks towards the cupboards. I watch him fish around and peek through several bottles of liquids, mostly alcohol, before stopping at a dusty bottle in the back of the cabinet. With a quick wipe, the dust is brushed off of it and Chris opens it up. He pours out a tan liquid into a bowl and hands it to me.

"Dip yer biscuit in that juice," Chris orders, " it make them more flavorful."

"What is this stuff?" I ask while I sniff the liquid.

"That be me biscuit dip. It be good, trust Cap'n Chris."

Hesitantly, I dunk the half eaten biscuit into the mysterious liquid. I examine the biscuit as it absorbs this "biscuit dip". Finally, I shove the remaining piece of the pirate biscuit into my mouth and quickly swallow. The dip tastes sweet, and a little like root beer. I nod to Chris in approval.

Something seems awfully sketchy about this "biscuit dip" I just consumed. Chris didn't eat any, so does that mean he poisoned me? I chuckle a little at the absurd idea. Chris would never hurt me, right?

It finally hits me how much of a stranger Chris is to me and that I've slept with him already. I'm ashamed. How did I start trusting this man that I barely knew? My mom always said that pirates were cruel people.

I snap out of my daydream and see Chris sitting across the table staring at me with a look of longing in his eyes. My throat tightens as I work up the courage to talk to him. I push aside my bowls to show that I'm done.

"Listen, Chris, is there any way I can leave here? I miss my family so much," I tell him with a convincing frown.

"Brooke, we be discussin' this already. Ye can't be leavin till you become a pirate pleasin' wench."

"Then let me do wench training!" I yell. "I'm not here to just sit in your room for weeks until I can walk again! Let me work, dammit!"

For a moment, Chris is taken aback by my attitude. He slams his spoon down and the table and calls out, "Fine, ye ungrateful wench! Normally, part 2 of wench training consists of cooking, but since ye can't walk, we're going to have to do the last part now. The last part be Pleasing a Pirate, and this be the hardest one. Now, I want ye to gimme a kiss."

My mouth hangs open and I stare at Chris. I glue my eyes to his wavy and tangled black hair before snapping at him. "What the hell?! You think you can just order a kiss from me?! I'm a feminist, and do you even know how disrespectf-"

Chris interrupts my angry rant by leaning across the table and giving me a firm kiss on the lips. He grabs my face with both hands and pulls me in for an even deeper embrace. My stomach does a dozen somersaults and I realize that deep down inside, I do like Chris. I've given in to temptation. I grin as I kiss him again and pull him closer, intertwining my fingers with his greasy hair. We finally break apart to breathe and recollect ourselves.

"For a new wench, ye be a fine kisser," Chris says with a weak and out of breath voice.

I blush, and feel incredibly awkward afterwards, because I remember that gray boxers are the only thing on Chris's body.

"Shall we be continuin'?" Chris asks me with a devilish smirk.

A smile of excitement spreads across my face and I nod like an eager child. Chris scoops me up like a baby and and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. I stare him in the eyes and feel such a strong sensation of attraction. I'm carried back over to the hammock and Chris lies down with me on top of him.

I straddle him and lean forward to kiss him once more. This time with even more passion and electricity running through our veins. How did I let myself fall for this pirate? How? He's toxic!

I'm in the middle of a French kiss with Chris he releases his grip of my hair and removes his hands from my head. I tense up as I feel his strong hands slide down my body. First over my shoulders, then over my waist, and then down over my bottom.

"What are you doing?" I whisper excitedly to him.

"Ye shall see," Chris says with a naughty look in his eyes.

I look down and see his hands over his stomach. He slides them down towards his crotch and a tiny gasp escapes me.

"Oh no," I think as he begins to slide his boxers down. Chris doesn't stop.
"No!" I think to myself. I'm too young for sex . I barely even know this guy! NO!

"STOP IT, YE FILTY BASTARD!" I scream as I slap Chris in his stubbly cheek.

Chris freezes his hands and let's his jaw drop. He gives me a look of both confusion and sadness.

"Alrighty then," he mumbles. With a look of shame, he exits the hammock and walks over to the clothesline. "True pirate code says I always gotta be respectin wenches. Well, I'll be back soon. Stay here," he orders as he puts his clothes back on.

I narrow my eyes at him as he leaves and feel slightly pained at how dreary he now looked. So many conflicted emotions bubble inside of me as I watch Chris walk onto the deck with a pained expression.

Chris was a bad boy, but also a sweetheart. Had I fallen for a player? Had I been too rude to him? Or just assertive? My mood changes to a deep sadness as I twiddle my thumbs alone in the captain's quarters. Chris was definitely a new guilty pleasure.

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