Chapter 2: Quanya

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I looked back at the wooden door in disbelief.

I can't believe this happened to me!

Mom will bury me alive!!!!!

Who am I kidding? She would never be that obvious! It would trace back to her and besides the fact that she wouldn't want to get her hands dirty as well.

No.........she would be way more subtle.

She's totally going to hire hit men on me and make it where it looks like an accident!!! My body will never be found and just sit in the bottom of a swamp bed as I slowly decay!!!

WHY ME!!!!!

Wait.....maybe I'm dreaming.

I slapped myself real quick.

"OWWW!!! Okay.....not dreaming," I confirmed as I rubbed my cheek.

That was stupid. That was reeaaaaaaaally stupid.

"This can NOT be happening," I groaned.

What am I suppose to do now?!

Well....go home I guess. No point standing in the the hallway like a moron.

Before I could move an inch, I whispered, "I got suspended."

Geez, not even saying it out loud makes it sound anymore believable.

I buried my head in my hands.

I. Am. SOOOOOO. Dead.

Look at the positive.....I get a vacation from school? Doesn't help.

I finally recovered myself and was about to leave when IT happened.

I suddenly had this great, bright white flash that made my eyes roll back.

I saw myself.........

in my limo going somewhere.......

and then the driver took a sharp turn left. For some reason, it made me go flying out the door that was, for another unknown reason, open.

Next, I was left at the curb, dizzy, until this dark figure came towards me. He must have looked dark because I hit my head when I flew out.

The man had a gun and it had smoke coming out of it. He must have shot something. I was so disorientated and out of it that before I knew what was going on, he pointed the gun right at me.

Even though it must be my imagination, I could feel myself shaking with fear as he pulled the trigger. I could hear the shot echo everywhere as my whole brain buzzed...

...Till my eyesight became normal.

The hallway was empty and all the students were in class now. Back to the way it was before I had that weird flash.

"Okay....what was THAT?!" I yelled out loud.

At that point, I didn't care if China could hear me, I was FREAKED OUT!

The vision just came out of no were and I suddenly felt so woozy. I almost fell to the floor, but couldn't because I was already on the floor.

I sat up and instantly regretted it because a migraine that had to be the worst in history rushed in, making me want to fall back down again.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh! Call for limo. Then, get aspirin," I moaned.

I took out my phone from my backpack, Steve ( Yeah, I named my bag Steve), and called my driver to come pick me up.

One really good thing about him is he doesn't care. I could jump someone or kidnap a guy to make him marry me and have a life in the Arctic and he wouldn't even blink. He would just drive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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