Lazy Afternoon

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Astarion was sprawled out on the sofa, shirt unbuttoned in the summer heat. The sunlight hit his face perfectly and made his hair shimmer while he had his face stuck in a book.

Why would you do anything but admire him?

There he was, a man carved by the gods themselves, and you were supposed to just ignore that? Keep your eyes on your own book? No thank you.

"If you want something you can ask you know." Astarion didn't look away from his book while he spoke, "I don't bite, not unless you ask nicely."

You considered this. Say the wrong thing and you might break this picture of tranquility. "I was simply admiring the view. No need to stop what you're doing."

"Then get over here and admire from a closer perspective."

He didn't have to tell you twice. In a second you were by his side, climbing on top of him and lying on his chest, his hands holding the book above you.

"Is that better?"

"Mhm." You nodded, staring up at his face. Either he had a very good poker face or he was actually focused on the book. At least, you thought, if your partner was this close to your face you wouldn't be able to concentrate.

When you'd had enough of admiring the view - which was actually impossible but anyway - you felt like showing said view how much you appreciated it. You placed a kiss on his breastbone and trailed more kisses down his torso.

He sighed as you held his hips and peppered kisses all over his abdomen. "And just where do you think you're going with this?" Astarion had his book on his chest, chin resting on the spine, he was staring at you with a raised brow.

"Well I was going to kiss your thighs but since you-" you didn't give him chance to react before smashing your lips together, book clattering to the floor in a forgotten haze.

Without missing a beat, Astarion kissed back, caressing your cheek with one hand. Your hand snaked its way into his hair and you tugged him away, "Star?" You connected your lips again.


"Will you read to me?"

This time he was the one to pull away, "is this just so you can stare at me while enjoying the book, honestly darling, I know I'm beautiful but there'll be plenty of opportunities to look at me."


"Of course I will." Astarion picked up the discarded book and you settled yourself next to him, gazing at him in the changing light as he read.

Every so often you would kiss him or he'd kiss you and this went on for the better part of the afternoon.

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