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[ eight ]

AN EIGHT-YEAR-OLD KATSUKI WOKE UP TWO hours earlier than usual today

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AN EIGHT-YEAR-OLD KATSUKI WOKE UP TWO hours earlier than usual today. his excitement was palpable as he had just learned to create little explosions yesterday and couldn't wait to show them to his friends. the butterflies in his stomach from the prospect of demonstrating his new skill kept him awake all night. he was already dressed in his school uniform and running around the house, urging his mother to hurry up so that they could leave for school. mitsuki, his mother, watched her son with a mixture of amusement and surprise. although katsuki enjoyed going to school, he had never been this eager before.

as soon as they reached the imposing gates of the school, he hastily flung open the car door and bolted towards the entrance. mitsuki, who was still sitting in the car, observed him from afar as he suddenly came to a halt and wrapped his arms around someone. her lips curved upwards into a soft smile as she listened to her son's exuberant voice ringing out loud and clear, "maryam! hey, look at this! Isn't it amazing? do you like it?!" with each word, he bounced up and down, his small palms producing harmless explosions that crackled in the air.

the little girl's eyes widened in amazement as she watched katsuki's impressive skills. "you're so cool, katsu!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement. her curly brown hair bounced with her movements, adding to her cheerful demeanor. she then turned to midoriya and pointed at katsuki, urging him to witness the blonde's abilities. izuku quickly obliged and echoed the little girl's sentiment, expressing his awe at katsuki's talents.

however, it was apparent that katsuki was seeking approval and praise from only one of his two best friends, as he seemed to be focused on winning over the girl's admiration.

katsuki's eyes glittered with determination and pride as he exclaimed, "i can't wait to be the number one hero!" he raised his hands in the air, as if to signal his victory. maryam watched him with admiration, clapping softly. "i can't wait to be your biggest fan, katsu!" she replied, her smile almost as bright as his.

katsuki walked towards maryam, placing his hands on her shoulders. even though she was slightly taller than him, he didn't seem to mind. he looked into her eyes for a moment before making a request, "promise me you'll be by my side when i become the number one hero."

"of course, i will be."

the boy looked up at maryam with his big, innocent eyes, a small frown forming on his forehead. "no," he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "you have to promise me, mar. you're maryam and maryam never breaks promises, and this is something you absolutely have to do for me. promise me that you'll still be my best friend even when i become number one!" as he spoke, his eyebrows furrowed even more, showing just how important this promise was to him.

"i promise—"

katsuki's face was beetroot red as he nervously blurted out his request, "no! no. promise me you'll become my wife! my ma says that her and my dad's love is forever and she is his wife, so promise me you'll become my wife when we're older!" maryam, who had been taken aback by the sudden outburst, could only smile widely at his innocent yet determined expression.

she realised that this was one of katsuki most heartfelt wishes. he had many. "i promise i will become your wife!" she replied, her tone serious and sincere. she was excited by katsuki's unwavering resolve.

as katsuki held the straps of his backpack, he nodded his head before taking a step forward and entering more deeply into the school. maryam watched him intently, admiring his confident gait. suddenly, izuku appeared beside her and quipped,

"woah, i think kacchan just proposed to you." maryam flinched at the suddenness of his voice, but then let out a laugh and draped her arm around izuku's shoulder as they followed behind their friend.

they walked in step, chatting and joking, while katsuki strode ahead with purpose.

they walked in step, chatting and joking, while katsuki strode ahead with purpose

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author's note ¡¡

chapter one! be ready for teeth-rotting fluff!

trin 💟

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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