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The wind was cold today. As it brushed against her skin, HaYeon grabbed her coat tighter against her chest as she lifted her head.
The autumn sky was still so blue, but the world felt like winter. The season passed without a sound.

I wish time would just stop.
As Lisa thought this, her phone began to ring. It was from her agency.

- You’re on your way, right? I’m sorry that we couldn’t go pick you up today.
“It’s okay.”

- Call me if you run into a problem. You can’t be late, but you already know that, right? That director may seem like he has a good personality, but he absolutely hates it when people are tardy.

Her agency CEO spoke nervously. As if he’d recognized that she wanted to just run away and escape the booking.
“Don’t worry, sir. I’m on my way now.”

- Alright. I’ll leave it to you. Call me when you’re done with the shoot.


- Good luck.
After ending the call, Lisa looked up at the sky before putting her cell phone deep into her pockets. Then she began to walk again.

As she drove to the studio, she was overcome by an intense migraine, so she stopped by a pharmacy and purchased some medicine. After taking a few capsules, she walked into the set. As she greeted the staff, she turned around when she felt an intense gaze on her back.

The male actor who was set to participate in today’s photoshoot was standing behind her.

He was tall, as if he were a model. His long limbs, his stiff posture, his sharp eyes and nose. She knew very well how different that face looked when it smiled. She could clearly see that face even if her eyes were closed. She might have even seen that face as often as she’d seen her own.

When she saw Jungkook, the throbbing pain in her head went away. It was as if her headache had been a warning sign of this impending meeting. Then, as if it were all a joke, it faded away as soon as she saw him.

The irony of it all. She wanted to laugh, but she remained frozen in place.

One month had passed since she’d last seen Jungkook. Because the celebrity world was small and wide at the same time, she always felt that she’d meet him again someday. But she never expected to meet him so soon. For the past ten years, their schedules had never crossed.

She felt like taking on more work, so she asked her agency CEO to pack her schedule. It didn’t matter who or what it was. She never asked for any details, kept her mouth shut, and did the work. This booking had been the same.

She was merely told it would be a photoshoot for a magazine. She didn’t check to see who she would be working with. That was her mistake. She never expected to be doing a photoshoot for a magazine with Jeon Jungkook.

“It’s your first time meeting Jungkook-ssi, right?”

The director approached her and spoke up. Unable to answer, HaYeon merely smiled. The director guided Lisa to Jungkook.

Jungkook’s eyes landed on Lisa’s face. HaYeon took a moment before raising her head to look at him. When their eyes met, Jungkook’s eyes slightly narrowed. He had known that she’d be coming all along.

Unable to endure the silence, Lisa greeted him first. Taewan merely replied with, ‘Hello.’ These were the first words they had said to each other in a month.

During the stretch of silence, Jungkook’s eyes didn’t blink once as he gazed at her. Unable to take it anymore,Lisa  turned her eyes away from him.

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