ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ɢɪʀʟ ɪɴ ғᴏʀᴋs

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A rain forest is shown with moss-draped. Shadow-drenched. Tortured tree trunks twist upward, reaching for rare sunlight. A voiceover is heard as the forest becomes silent.

"I'd never given much thought to how I would die."

"Cause it's not an everyday thing to think about." Daphne whispered to her friends who nodded in agreement.

"Well yeah cause we don't really think about that unless we don't have a choice in that moment." The golden trio pointed out in understanding.

Bella looks at her twin sister and her unrelated family as the group all smiled at each other.

Suddenly, every creature in the forest is deadly silent. Neither bird, beast nor insect make a noise. A predator is near. Then, in the distance, hear a tiny snick of a twig snapping. Abruptly, we're on the move. Fast.

"Getting a horror movie vibe here, but it isn't a horror movie weird enough." All horror movie fans pointed out.

"This is getting good. I wonder what that was through." Dean whispered to Seamus who nodded in agreement.

The Cullen family all raised their eyebrows at Edward.

Edward shrugs at them. "Hey I was hungry."

Trees start whipping past us at a dizzying speed, branches are dodged with preternatural agility. And we're speeding up, chasing something. It's exhilarating. Terrifying. Finally, up ahead, we get the first glimpse of our prey...a deer.

"What's going on and what's with all the running ?" A younger student asked as many others nodded in agreement to his statement wanting to know the answer themselves.

"Poor little deer." All animal lovers mumbled to themselves quietly.

running for its life as it darts through this maze of a forest. It sprints forward, but we gain on it. Beyond the deer, see the forest's edge ahead, white sunlight glowing against the trees. The buck races for the light. We're just behind it, about to emerge from the shadowy darkness

"What is that? And why is there barely any light?" A few students asked for curiosity.

"Are we gonna be able to see what's causing the deer to act this way?" Dean asked curiosity.

All the animal lovers glared angrily at the screen as they saw the poor innocent deer running for its life away from something.

All the vampires in the room looked at each other sharing looks especially since the wizarding people definitely didn't know how to listen especially since the women from earlier said that they were supernatural creatures.

The deer leaps into the light in a high arc, hovering (suddenly slow motion) against the white glare of the sun... then bam! The deer abruptly plummets out of frame at an unnatural angle, leaving the white glare to fill the screen. Hold on whiteness.

All the students jumped back in surprise and shock by what was going on.

The Cullen family already knew what was going on so they shrugged. While the three vampire kings and Liliana rolled their eyes because they could never understand the point of drinking animal blood instead of human blood.

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