[Ch-2] The Potion Shop

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"So..anyways..don't the people seem...suspicious... here,?" Lei was unsure of walking around the area where Yŭxuān took him.

"Everyone here is always suspicious. but not all of them are that bad. Be careful of Kickers though, there are alot here." came the reply.

"Kickers?" Lei wondered.

"Yeah. Kickers are organisms that resemble humans physically just a bit, but otherwise have nothing in common with us. They will at first ask you if they are attractive. If you respond 'yes,' they will punch you; if you respond 'no', they will kick you."

"That's strange. And, a bit funny too." Lei tried to hold a laugh.

"Everything here is weird. Plus, you wouldn't say that if you actually met one. Anyways, here we are."

Lei asked, gazing up at the shop's sign, "What is this place? A...potion shop?"

"Yeah. Basically, you can take whichever potion you want but you have to pay a price. it's like trade. As long as you give something in return, you can take anything."

"Woah. Is it okay to give these earrings?" Lei pointed at his own earrings.

"If I were you, I wouldn't swap those earrings for the world. They were expensive and you used to essentially obsess over them." the man shook his head disappointedly.

"I'm not particularly concerned about them anymore. I've already passed away."

"You should. And you should atleast trade them for something much more expensive, not at a small potion shop like this one. Things aren't that expensive here."

"How did you know they were expensive ? How'd you even know i obsessed ov-"

Before he could finish, Yuxuan spoke quickly. "It doesn't matter. Do you want to go in with me now or what?"


Yŭxuān holds Lei's hand tightly and basically drags him in.

"Hello. If I may ask, what is the most popular potion in this shop ?" Yŭxuān asked the shopkeeper.

"Oh! I can tell you, but it is pretty expensive. Are you..sure you can afford it?" the shopkeeper looked at him and laughed.

"You don't look too rich yourself." Lei said, but then Yŭxuān gave him a sign to stop speaking.

"I sure can. Name the price."

"200,000 frogs specifically."

"That's it? You call that expensive? Here."

Frogs suddenly emerged from Yŭxuān's palms and leaped in front of the table to form a large frog.

"You really aren't what you seem like. Thank you for buying from my shop." the shopkeeper bowed to them both and handed a large potion of 25 cm."

Yŭxuān took the potion and dragged Lei out of the shop with him.

"I thought you said the potion shop wasn't that pricey?"

"It seems the prices have changed. The last time I visited this shop, which was 6 years ago, the prices were much cheaper."

"You died that long ago?"

"Well..I mean, I died one hundred and eighty nine years ago."

"How old are you right now?"

"Physically twenty two, mentally two hundred and eleven."

"I'm a baby compared to you."

"Our physical ages are the same though, technically you can still consider me twenty two. And I don't act like an old man, do I ? My intelligence is the same as when I was twenty two."

"Well okay. A bit awkward still, but it'll do."

"Do you wanna try this potion?"

"Oh, yeah !! I forgot about it for a second. Yes. Thank you."

Lei drank a bit of the potion and gave it back.

"What's supposed to happen?"

"See for yourself."

Lei was starting to feel lighter.

"Try looking at your hands now."

He tried looking at his hands, but they weren't there.


"Yes, bingo."


"Don't do anything stupid."

"OKK !!"


When Yŭxuān couldn't hear Lei's voice anymore, he drank the potion too and followed him.

He watched as Lei pushed people, picked people up and they either looked so confused or terrified.

Lei did many more things like stealing others' potions and scaring people. Some people screamed "There is a really evil spirit around us! Help!" and he enjoyed it.

Finally, after a long time, he turned around and noticed Yŭxuān.


"Oh! Is it been too long ??"

"It is. Your potion will wear off in two more minutes."

"Oh shit."

"Let's go back or you'll be in serious trouble with my fa- the devil."

"WHAT ? You should've said that BEFORE !!"

"We shouldn't waste time arguing."

"True. Fine then."


"This place is so weird, honestly... I kind of like it but also despise it."

"Despise it ? You were having so much fun few minutes ago. In my opinion, hell is really great. In heaven you have to follow so many rules but in hell, there are almost no rules and unlimited possibilities."

"Am I pretty ?"

Both Yŭxuān and Wang Lei turned around and saw a Kicker. Lei couldn't control himself and screamed.

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