Chapter 4 (Celestine)

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The bell rings at 4.30 and I head out of the class to the vending machine, I keep note of the time as I pay for some soda and chips. Just as I was about to pick them up I hear a loud noise from above my head, I look up to see Mindy's hand on the vending machine, then her face. Anger written all over it. "What's going on Tina?" Hearing her call me that pissed me off so much. "You're asking me whats going on? I thought you knew, or did Alex not make it very clear to you?" She smirks but she still looks nervous as she responds, "I know you're not fucking Alex. You wouldn't do that." I hate that she's right, but I'm not gonna let that affect me. "Well then you don't know me very well. Then again I don't know you very well either I guess. I mean you're fucking the guy I told you I had a crush on"
"OH please you've had a crush on him for two years now! You weren't making a move so I did. Plus he would have rejected you if you hit on him anyway so I just saved you the embarrassment that's all." This bitch. Who the fuck does she think she is? "OH my gosh Mindy you did such a big favor for me didn't you? How can I ever repay you? Oh I know, since you were off doing goddamn favors for me, your boyfriend came to me feeling lonely. So I did you a favor, and kept him company. Under the sheets obviously." Her face morphed into....... disgust? She was disgusted with me?? No she didn't get to. I was. I am."You're lying Tina. You didn't fuck him." I step closer to her and look her straight in the eye as my next words come out. "I fucked him Mindy. You're just too scared to believe it. But that's ok, if you can't believe it yet then you will. I enjoyed giving him that company, but now I want more. Let's see how much he wants. Oh and, don't call me Tina." I give her one last glare before I walk away to the library,
I shove the doors open and Alex's head snaps up, I frown and look at the time, 4.47, ah well shit. I walk towards him and take a deep breath before I say anything. "Hey, sorry I'm late"
"That's ok, you look pissed." Wow- straight to the point of guess. "I am pissed." He doesn't say anything for a moment but then he responds, "what did Mindy do?" I look at him surprised
"Very few people get you that riled up rose, and even so you don't normally show it if you are. You're riled up now, I can only assume it's because Mindy did something." The fact that he's right weirds me out. Like why does he know that much about me? Who even is he?
"It's Mindy, what do you think happened?"
He smirks before replying, "some dumb bullshit." 
"You know, you never answered my question."
"I don't want to talk about the details of what just happened Alex."
"No not that, my question yesterday. How is she your best friend?" I look up wondering why he even remembers asking me that or frankly why he cares.
"She isn't my best friend. Not anymore." It comes out more colder than I intended but he drops it and asks me about what I'm doing in the library instead, we study together for about an hour or two in a comfortable silence with the occasional question here and there about a topic or so. My phone reads 7.00 pm and I've decided I don't have the mood to grind anymore. Apparently Alex decided the same cause he has his head down with one hand in his hair and the other lying on the table. His hair is all messed up and I can't see his face but he's breathing lightly so I think he dozed off, before I over think it, I take a picture and post it on my story tagging him with the text "Already tired from grinding? @alex_notfound" I grin lightly looking at the picture,
"What you smiling at?" I look to him to see soft green eyes staring back at me.
"Drop me home?"
He nods "sure, let's go."

We're in the car and I'm buckling my seat belt when I hear the lyrics play,

🎵Tell me what it is you wanna know,
Finish up the bottle then we'll go babe
Waste a lil money on some blow,
She said "won't you have a little?"
I said "no way"🎵

I hum to the lyrics considering this is one of my favorite songs,

"Chase Atlantic fan?"
I look to his direction and give him a small smile,
"Yeah I am. It's good music to listen to when you go for a ride." He frowned at my response at first then he smirked a little, "what kind of ride?" I look at him confused before I get what he means. "OH my God Alex I was talking a bout riding a bike" I smile at his silliness and shake my head, he chuckles and continues the conversation. "You know how to ride? The bike I mean." I give him a smug look as I answer, "yeah I do, I can ride both actually, the bike and the biker." He starts coughing as if he chocked on air and I laugh at his state. We reach my house and he rests his head on the steering wheel before saying goodbye, "I'll pick you up tomorrow rose." He gives a me a small smile that makes me wanna wish I could make it bigger. "See you tomorrow Alex. Goodnight" He nods as I leave his car and head home. Alex was someone who I never expected this from. What is this? Oh nothing just.... him picking me up, studying with me, dropping me home, defending me against his own girlfriend- oh right. He has a girlfriend, the very girl who's the reason why we're doing any of this. The reality dawns on me that I never expected him to do any of this because he wouldn't. And he isn't. He's pretending. I need that to be tattooed in my head. Alex is pretending. I am pretending. That is reality. This is all to get back at someone. That's all. Just as I finished that thought my phone buzzes, I check my notifications to see the text "@alex_notfound mentioned you in a story" I click on it to see he reposted my story with the reply "not too tired yet, I can grind a lot more if you'd like ;)" I gasp at the fact that this isn't something he texted me, it's something he put on his story like- not even close friends or something. He put it on his public story where a LOT of people can see. A laugh escapes me at his actions as I continue to shake my head. This might actually be fun.

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