this is not a chapter book this is a short story

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There was once two clones of me clones 1 and 2 ,I just didn't feel like coming up with names, and they were in there living room eating doritoes. Then it all started when they were invited to the biggest high school party of the year.

So they're in the living room and C1 ate all the doritoes and got punched in the......
and then got half his hair ripped off and blood running down his face and in his ears. So they call a truce and go to the store to buy more, which is when the got the call about the party, and abandoned the doritoes. Who does that?! And drive to the venue.
Apparently it's this new spacey outdoor venue in the old main street courtyard and is the first party of the location and is quite anticipated to use. Then they email one the party goers to figure out the time, if it is essential to bring anything, or if there is any proper attire and all they hear is don't party too loud. "?"
So they arrive at the courtyard that is entered by this garage type steel building deal thing. So they sit in the steel building waiting for more people and when they think they might already be inside they hear a girl being handcuffed and screaming. Then they figure out that this is an illegal venue. This is the girl who runs the major high school parties and dodged the police more amounts of times than the amount of parties she's ran. Her finally getting caught led to expelling and 3 years in juvy.
Then they flee like babies and hide behind a barrel and think of a way out. They were about to confess to the officer and appeal to her good side and then... She turns to a zombie from the bad shrimp and her arm falls off. So they grab a SAS12 and blow her head off then her back up officer found and chased them and declared them fugitives. So they find two motorcycles jump on them and drive through the window and off the bluff and stick the landing. So the steal trail mix and start their outlaw life. To be continued in part two

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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