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A few weeks after

2 weeks have gone by since the death of the captain

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2 weeks have gone by since the death of the captain. During that time the Rookies have taken their 6 month exam and were impatiently waiting for their test scores. Jess spent hours with Lucy studying almost every night after shift. Jess had one thing she'd never admit, test anxiety. When it came to college, and taking any exams she had this rush of anxiety.

Jess walked into the briefing room with john on the side of her. Sergeant Grey stood in front of everyone as he began to write four numbers on the board.

81, 90,91,97

Once he is finished he turns his attention to the four rookies sitting in front of him "All right. Shake off the rust and grab a seat. Anyone want to guess what these numbers represent? Nolan." Grey looks over at Nolan.

He studies the numbers for a moment "Those are the scores to our six-month exams." He says. Grey nods his head "That is correct".

Lucy smiles as she realizes everyone passed "Oh we all passed!" Grey nodded "Technically, yes, but that 81 is ugly, given that an 80 is basically an F." Grey explains.

Jess raised an eyebrow as she wondered who go the low mark. The feeling of getting a bad exam score made her anxious.

"I could tell you, but self-reflection is necessary for your success as a patrol officer. So I want your guesses, as to which score is yours by end of shift. Understood?" The rookies nodded their head in unison.

"But you three did pass, so there's good news - you can now wear short sleeves. Congratulations." He looks over at Nolan who had his hands up "Nolan?".

"Sir, who will I be riding with?" He asks noticing that Talia is no longer a patrol officer anymore.

Grey smirks "I was thinking me as I'm no longer going to be Bradfords TO I'm assigning her on paper work"

Jess looks surprised at this she is lost in her thought about if she's gonna get a new TO
(Lucyspov )

Lucy smiled as she smoothed out her uniform. She was so excited to wear short sleeves, and no longer needing the long sleeves and the tie. She walked out of the locker room and saw Tim talking to Angela.

He turned to looked at her and a scowl was on his face. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Lucy looked at him in confusion as her eyebrows knitted together. "What?" She questions.

"My rookies wear long sleeves and ties until the last day of probation." He tells her. Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes "Yeah, but Sergeant Grey said-" he cut her off.

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