The Winter's Wolf Awakens

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Time slowed in the moment of a heartbeat, every crucial second was the bridge between life and death. The chilly winds whispered cold words of despair but through all the discouragement  a spark of hope ignited in Ryan which gave him the fire to save her from the shadows of death. While the faintly tired horse was trampling frozen snow flakes of the sky the confused women mumbled unclear words of a fear that she might have once crossed paths with. She begged profusely, "No don't i have a young sister to care for, she has no one else, please I'm begging you don't kill me. No uhhhhhh don't noooooo!"

Suddenly a thick storm of misty white fog held the air hostage and a mysterious growl of pure evil cracked the natural sound barrier. Swift and almost silent footsteps completely crushed the tiny delicate snow flakes. The velocity in which it was moving was extraordinary, it looked like shadows in the dark surrounding the great white horse. Ryan looked in confusion at the amazing speed of the creature, he viciously drew his lethal bow but suddenly the ruby red glowing eyes appeared. What this diabolical creature was, he knew not but all he was certain about is it's imminent and painful death. He confidently fired a powerful first shot but it was to no avail. The exact moment in time as the silver arrow pierced the crumbling snow on the easily penetrated ground the mystery beast made an extremely powerful leap against him like an animal taking down his long awaited prey. The brutal impact made the sturdy horse off balance which easily hurled it to the ground of ice and freezing snow. Ryan fell harder than anything else but managed to skillfully keep the women from being severely hurt in any way physically possible. He made an instant and spectacular cat sprang standing his ground. The remarkably super enhanced monster made an ultimate collision with the fearless Ryan like electrons clashing together creating a deadly bolt of light energy. In a blink of an eye this supernatural thing vanished into the likes of never ending darkness. Unexpectedly Ryan felt a shocking, sharp pain on his lower abdominal area on his left side. When he slowly looked at it he saw a brutal, bloody wound which he had suffered from what looks to be like a rounded bite from the unknown.

Without hesitance and the effects of pain Ryan mustered every single bit of power in his infected body from the venomous bite to bring the horse to its tired hooves. He picked up the unconscious women and stabilized her to his enduring horse trying to bear his immense pressure of pain. The cursed power of the moon light was going back from where it whence came bringing back the light of day in the form of dawn as he rode off into the sunrise returning to where his weak and sickened struck dad dwell in his old cabin. As he neared his only home he felt a strange instinct of a leader in his presence. Ignoring this peculiar feeling he quickly galloped home. The ill women has still not awoken from the state of betweenity of life and death even when he has return to his home. He immediately brought her inside and laid her on his mahogany table only to realize the tragic sight of his pale, nude father lying on the ground. Ryan was beginning to feel an ill fated weakness and agony consuming his body like a raging fire burning from inside. He tried his best to remain awake and alive not drifting away into the likes of death. He rushed outside like a man that has long lost all sense of sanity. He dug up the cold snow like a mentally disabled animal trying to find a blood red vine called "ma-ry-or." Finally he found it an stumbled back inside lighting up the stone built fire place to boil a strong and extreme cup of ma-ry-or to awake his father and the sleeping female he had mistakenly found.

Finally it was time to secure the life force of his dying father and women. The boiled vine had finished and was like a cup of pure blood. Ryan poured this healing potion down their throats and covered his unfortunate father's nudity. Ryan began to sweat an ocean of water profusely. He felt a rage and fire burning again inside his body like a monster trying to break free from its fragile shell. He began to lose his mind hearing loud voices shouting, "It's time, the winter's wolf must be awaken, the creature of legend, the aurora of moon light is near. A change of Alphas must happen before the aurora moon light has passed."

A moment of confusion in Ryan's mind was brought back to the harsh reality of life when the unknown women made a desperate gasp for air. Only when she had finally been awaken did Ryan saw her beauty. Her hair were a long red hot cinnamon brown passing her broad shoulders. Her unimaginable dark sapphire blue eyes got you staring, lost in the wonders of its breathtaking view. Her face was smoother than anything else and she had high cheek bones that brought out her natural beauty. Her skin was soft like silk and gentle to the touch. The shape of her body was the magnificence of a goddess with her well toned belly, her breast were just perfect in all physical aspects and her butt was unbelievably the best imaginable because of the round proportion to her upper body, the finest shape one can ever live to see, perfect firmness and apparently good rebound ability.

She barraged him with questions, "Where am I, who the hell are you, are you an evil man, am i safe from that creature?"

He replied, "Your safe and in my house. I am Ryan Argent, you see that ancient man on the ground there, that's my father, Scott Argent , what creature you speak of that seems to terrify your soul? By the way what's your name?"

She said, "My names Chelsey, Chelsey Shannon. The creature I speak of, some say it's a legend but I know that it's not. It attacked me last night and started howling to seize your attention. The legend says that every aurora moon light in the winter,the Alpha must be challenged or it dies. It bites someone to become the challenger so it can either become the new Alpha or die, if the challenger dies the Alpha lives until another challenge arrives at the next aurora moon light. You have been bitten by an Alpha, you have to do or die because tonight is the rare aurora of moon light."

Ryan asked curiously, "Does this Alpha has a name?"

Chelsey said, "Yes warewolf, this is a vicious murdering machine. Every Alpha has an extra ability, they don't always be the same but it is an advantage over the rest even a Winter's Wolf."

Ryan asked sarcastically,"So you really think I'm the wolf ting?"

Chelsey said, "You did got bitten, I know, that diabolical monster whispered everything to me. Only one question left to be answered for you who is the Alpha?"

Unprepared for, the legend was going to happen once more in the anatomy of time. The cursed power of the aurora moon light was bringing fought the great and beastly monster in side of Ryan. A shrill low pitch growl filled the air with fear and uncertainty. Chelsey's brown hair shivered and her heart was consumed in peril. The transformation began to break and tear into his very soul killing and burning his humanity to ashes. He uncontrollably stumbled about in the devastating effects of agony's power. Chelsey tried her best to help carry him into the woods so the animalistic Alpha will have to catch up. The skies became bleak and overcast with the evil likes of darkness. Thunder crackled and roared through the sky scaring every single living lifeform in range. Lightning bolts of great power and cosmic energy collided until it opened a rift in the universe which made a powerful magnetic force and UV moon raise clashing together creating the ultimate aurora lights. The once harmless snow became outrageously strong and cold hearted making a vicious assault attempting murder. The transformation was becoming so unbearable that Ryan began to brutally dig his claws into his own fleshly body. The powerful and human changing cosmic and lunar radiation was being absorbed like a super sponge into Ryan's body changing him completely. He tightly embraced Chelsey and took the harsh reality of elements protecting her. Soon the super rare storm had subsided and Ryan Rose from the ashes of snow with a new body, super enhanced abilities, all new kick ass attitude, the man with no fear. Chelsey slowly rose with beauty and style behind him as he loudly and animalisticly howled out to give his position to the lethal Alpha. The fight was on, the animal he has become, the legend is here, The Winter's Wolf awakens.

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