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(theyre like 15/16 here) <33 I hope you enjoy 💖 also there's some mistakes here ik but the book cover took long enough so just TAKE THEM you will be fine lots of luv 🥰🥰


gosh the fanart HELP


The absolute roar of the crowds was enough to create that ring in your ears that seemed to stay there long after, with the addition of the extremely enthusiastic commentator practically wanting to deafen people's ears with the help of the massive speakers dotted round the stadium.

Ash was breathing hard, still in sync with Pikachu, who was too, but as the realisation sunk in more, Ash gained more relaxation and composure, straightening up slightly, though his breaths were still uneven. He gazed around in relief from the excitement of the battle, trying to block out the light that was causing him to squint. Maybe realisation still hasn't sunk in yet.

That he had won against the Monarch. Leon.

He only did when he saw his beloved Pikachu suddenly turn around to him, struggling to keep on his paws. Ash didn't even know what to say or do. Who would hear him, in the crowds of screaming people, or what was even expected to do?

Though when Pikachu tried to take more struggling steps towards him, he snapped out of it, suddenly finding himself gulping down emotions. "Pikachu." He whispered, his voice hoarse from the battle. Then he began to smile, broader. "PIKACHU!" He shouted it louder this time, sounding like he was laughing and crying all at once. He ran towards him, his legs unsteady in their haste, and as soon as he got into the middle of the pitch, he scooped Pikachu up before he would make his last step before a fall. He took him in his hands and spun him round, the crowds become a blur of colour as he threw him up, and hugged him tight to his chest on his way down.

Pikachu clung to Ash, leaning against him in exhaustion. "Oh, Pikachu!" He rubbed his cheek against his partners, stroking his fur. "You did it!" He exclaimed finally, breathlessly.

"Pika.." Pikachu managed to let out, softly, at last. The crowd went even wilder at this scene, cheering Ash and Pikachu's name relentlessly, while Leon stood, dazed, but the fondest he could try be at the scene.

But who was to blame for the excitement- every single lucky person in that stadium, managed to witness the terrific battle of the humble Ash Ketchum from the even humbler town of pallet, beat the reigning Galar champion, Leon.

Two of those lucky people were Dawn, and Chloe. Dawn really went all out and brought her cheerleading uniform, for Piplup too- even encouraging Chloe to have a shake of pom poms with eevee. Dawn obviously used her cheering to the best advantage, insisting Ash would win, and, well, there he is. Chloe would never admit how cute Dawn looked in that uniform buuut, at the same time, Dawn probably knew that, anyway.

But, Chloe gained a lot more perspectives of Ash now. She didn't know Ash even had the literal power of Arceus inside of him, that blinded everyone rotten in the stadium. All she saw of him day to day was this goofy idiot who got attacked by Yamper every morning, even though she constantly tells Ash he's meant to feed Yamper the specialised dog food because he's too fussy. But then Goh always has to go ahead and stick up for him, with a fond smile, saying 'Oh, come on Chloe... He can't remember everything..' While watching Ash getting electrocuted by Yamper as a result.

Oh. Which reminded Chloe. Within all the cheering, she didn't hear a certain voice. She leaned forward to look past Dawn in between both of them, and gazed at Goh, staring in awe at the pitch or more specifically, Ash. He didn't seem to have any words, he was just staring, while everyone was shouting loudly for Ash, around them. She would have expected the absolute-ash simper to do the same. Shout louder, even.

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