ᴄᴏɴɢʀᴀᴛᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs...ᴄʜᴀᴍᴘɪᴏɴ. (PART 2)

122 5 13

everyone seems to like chapters better than a nice old slab of a fic so i separated it for yall 🥺 and yes the chapters aren't equally lengthed but like 😭 when is the world fair ahehwasfnzdm


AWWWWthe fanart rlly pictures one of the scenes in this chapter- if it was in the evening! 

Goh was still tying the blue and yellow balloons using the ladder to attach them to the archway of the Lab, when he heard the doorbell, he practically stumbled off the ladder to reach the door, even though Dawn called out, "It's not going to be Ash!"

So Goh didn't know what he was expecting when he saw the next delivery of boxes in the hands of the postman. He smiled at him politely, under the circumstances, calling Professer Cerise to sign his clipboard, though inside he was deflating.

After they got back in, Dawn came to greet him in his place of the archway of balloons she was continuing for him. "I did tell you." Dawn half sighed, and half laughed. "2 hours will fly by, I promise."

And she was right. 2 hours did fly by, even without Ash. Goh found himself helping Chloe out with the cake, which she had done 3 triumphant layers, and he decorated it neatly with blue icing bunting, while Chloe even made a fondant crown. Then he helped Dawn put some more helium balloons up, and this time all three of them together talked to each other while doing so. Goh even went out into Cerise Park after Grookey, Eevee, and Piplup all ran out to be fed, and Goh used this as an oppurtunity to show Dawn all his pokemon. In this time, she told Goh and Chloe more about her adventures and performances in Sinnoh, and Chloe was obviously left transfixed, and listened attentively while dishing out Pokemon food, and also whilst Goh blew up more balloons to dot around the lab when they got back inside. Dawn even designed some little outfits for Eevee and Piplup to perhaps make later, in which Chloe looked on in particular interest.

Soon, they were all crowded on the sofa together, curling shiny coloured party streamers round their fingers absent-mindedly while chatting to each other, while they left their pokemon outside to socialise for the day. Chloe gazed up at the wall clock above their heads. "He's taken well over 2 hours..." She looked over at Goh then to see what he was saying over all this, but it seemed to be nothing. In fact, he looked worried than anything. "Goh? What's wrong?" Chloe asked, and he didn't really hesitate to reply.

"Do you think he's OK? Like what if something happened an-"

"Of course! Leon is absolutely hopeless at directions, I don't even know why we really let him take Ash back with the chance of him not knowing where he was even going." Dawn interrupted in an instant, shaking her head. In all fairness to her, it was true that Leon was a terrible navigator, and Goh didn't think Ash would be the most helpful in this situation. "He'll be here before you know it, and we still have to wait for the pizza to come out of the oven to put the next batch of-"

The doorbell suddenly rang clear, at the same time Dawn absolutely jumped up in panic to run and check on the pizza. There was a distinctive smoke cell that entered Chloe and Goh's nostrils, that made them frown at each other. All of this also caused them to forgot about the door. Goh jumped up too and ran too it, while Chloe went over to help Dawn.

When he opened it, his heart suddenly became full as soon as he realised who it was. Well, if he could see them it would be better.

Ash was holding the trophy in his hands, struggling to hold the huge weight of it, it seemed to be almost as tall as he was. "Phew! That was no easy climb up the stairs, Leon." He called out to the former champion, who laughed at him. He had his Charizard out, who had Pikachu mounted on its back, squeaking excitedly. It was funny to Goh how they were the best of friends again after fighting mercilessly against each other in the finals a few hours ago. Professer Cerise came out to see all the commotion, and happily greeted Leon, and especially Ash, giving him am unexpected hug of congrats for winning.

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