Yowza !!

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A/N: Wednesday is just a little ooc but Injust wanted to write some smut tbh- I hope you guys enjoy.


Felix's eyes darted across the common area as he scoured the grounds for a certain familiar face. In each of the eyes he made contact with was an essence of life that left him uneasy, which led him to move on, searching in the eyes of countless people before he found his favorite pair of deadly, dark, bottomless black eyes. Wednesday had said to meet here, and her slight smirk revealed her intentions of this rendezvous. Felix did not hesitate to return it as his eyes followed her across the grass and to a hallway which he knew led to the dorms.

His footsteps echoed through the hall as he made his way towards her dorm, keeping enough space between the two of them so as not to raise suspicions. Wednesday's cold demeanor did not lead many to believe she had any romantic partners, and since he wasn't sure if he was exactly that anyway, he assumed that she preferred to maintain said reputation. He quickly grabbed a hair tie from his wrist and used it to tie back the top half of his shoulder length hair, letting a strand of his reddish hair fall in his face. Wednesday's door had just entered his sight when a pair of arms snaked their way around his waist.

"Hey," a low voice said from behind him. Recognizing the timbre of this particular voice, a smile creeped its way onto Felix's face. As of now, the two of them were the sole occupants of the hallway, but there could always be someone right around the corner.

"You know, you're the one insisting we sneak around like this," his rough voice rang back. He gripped her hands and turned himself around, placing them on his back as he faced her. For a split second he could almost see a look of adoration and a slight smile on her face before it disappeared in place of an incredibly calculated lustrous gaze.

"Right," she said, leaning in towards his ear to whisper something. "It's just more fun this way." Felix perked up at this as he admittedly often questioned her reasoning for hiding him and wondered what he meant to her. He grabbed her waist and looked down at her, slowly leaning in to place a firm, passionate kiss on her lips. One hand pulled her waist close to his as another one moved up to the back of her neck. He pulled her face closer as his thumb stroked her cheek.

He felt her hands grip at his back. She was hungry, much like he was, and he pushed more roughly into the kiss, letting his tongue between her lips. A slight moan escaped her at this sudden movement and he drew back, taking note of the still empty hallway. She looked breathlessly at him for a moment before surveying their surroundings as well.

A sudden realization of their recklessness must have struck her because she wasted no time by grabbing his arm and pulling them inside her dorm, pulling Felix back to her lips even before the door had closed entirely. Leaning into her, he moved both of his hands behind her neck and pulled her face closer to his. He kissed her softly, savoring the moment. His thumbs stroked her cheek and he pushed her hair away from her face without breaking the contact of their lips.

God, he had missed her. More than he wished he had allowed himself to. The taste of her lips was intoxicating and the shape of her body seemed to fit perfectly against him. He pulled her in by her hips and walked forward, pushing her against the shut door. His tongue once again found its way in between her lips. He took his time, sliding it over hers in a calculated way that caused her to beg for more in the movements of her own tongue.

He preferred to keep his movements deliberate, keeping her at the cusp of total pleasure in all regards, but the way her teeth held on to his lower lip, reeling him back in every time he put the slightest bit of space between them, made him struggle not to rip all of her clothes off right there. He could tell that her thoughts weren't much different than his from the way she gripped at his belt with such neediness. The one thing motivating his self control was how much he loved seeing her like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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