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"Fuck outta here" I said to myself

She knew she was bad but she was a tweeker. (Shaking my fucking head) was all I could do. Looking at this jawn dead in her face while she basically throws her pussy at me from across the class room. She was trying to hard to get my attention and now that she has it this is the best she can do? Shits sad beyond sad if you asks me. Now don't get me wrong I was mos def interested. This shit here was nothing new to me. I wouldn't turn down some head but I be damn if I fuck with her too. She had too many bodies for me and even though she was bad I honestly wouldn't even give her that type time. See my standards are high when it comes to females that I want. These bitches they don't get any respect from me. Females that don't give a fuck and just want to act thirsty that's that shit I don't like. "You want to act like you don't have any class and morals about yourself then want me to have respect for you (cracking the fuck up), right. "You got me fucked up if you think otherwise" I said to myself as I started smirking ignoring the shit out of her. That shit was dead and I didn't feel like entertaining her anymore. I had to focus back on what I had to handle later on in the day so I damned sure wasn't chasing no pussy, that was the least of my worries. I can get that shit any time I wanted. I'm not conceited by far, I' m me, and I know my mind was on money and how I could get more of it.

"Mr. Davis", Mrs. Chambers yelled out breaking my deep thoughts.

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath. "Yes Mrs. Chambers" I answered annoyed by this everyday routine she class herself trying to pull. I sat up straight as I looked up focusing my attention on her.

"I am collecting every ones assignments and it seems as if I don't see yours in my pile" she said in a sarcastic tone.

Damn, that shit slipped my mind. I forgot all about that. Right now that shit wasn't really important to me I had a lot of things going on right now and that fucking paper was not one. It's not like I didn't know the assignment or what I was doing. That shit was already done just didn't put it on paper.

"Mr. Davis" she yelled again breaking my train of thought.

"Yeah" I said

She is getting on my damn nerves why do I always get put on the spot with this lady, damn. I know I'm the shit but she needs to hop off my dick I said to myself as she just starred me down

"No response, no words Mr. Davis"? she continued in her sarcastic tone fucking with me.

"NO, Mrs. Chambers I think a cat got his tongue and I'm not talking about the regular cat that meows neitha"

Monica laughed as she popped her gum and slapped hands with the girl sitting next to her.

Now who told her to fucking comment, this bitch always got to say something. I turned around to say something but Mrs. Chambers turned her attention back to me.

"Mr. Davis" she yelled once again.

"What!? Damn I hear you"!

I spat back at her as the class burst out in laughter. Monica was about to say something slick again until I cut her ass off.

"Look aint nobody ask you to dick eat since your known for that and I do mean eating the dick up "

I said as I collected my stuff to leave out of first period. About this time I was already heading up to the front of the class getting ready to walk out the door

"Who the hell do you think ya talking to Cha.." Monica attempted to yell but was cut off once again.

"Look right now I have no fucking piks, your about to make me grind you the fuck up bitch. Let shit rock while you can"

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