A Matta of Trust

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Everything has been going good so far. It's been a few months since Shellz brought me here and this was my new home. I've been doing a lot of studying and focusing. I've been attending classes to get my GED so that was something major I had going on in my life right now. I figured the school thing would be a bit much since I didn't know what grade I was suppose to be in. So this would be the best way to about it. I loved to learn. I always wanted to challenge myself no matter what situation was thrown at me. When I use to meet up with Mrs. Porter in the library she would give me made up assignments that was her way of home schooling me. Mrs. Porter use to be a teacher back in the day. She retired when the schools started to get out of control and when students starting acting like they had authority over staff was enough for her to quite. She told me she preferred the calmer atmosphere and if she would have stayed it would have been the death of her. I wasnt upset that i didnt attend school all of it was the same to me. Plus I knew that if I scored high enough I could turn my GED into a high school diploma. I wasn't no dummy. I was really intelligent I just never really brought that dude out of me because I was worried about all the wrong things that was fucked up in my life. This was a new chapter for me and I was more than grateful.


I loved living here with Shellz and Ms. Irene. They were very welcoming and went above and beyond to show me the best hospitality that both of them could give. When I first met his grandmother I was about to call Ms. Irene her name when he introduced me to her but I realized Shellz told me just to call her grams. She wasn't to big on people saying her government which I caught on quick because I didn't want to make a bad first impression. I made sure to call her grams when I kissed her on the cheek and gave her a hug. A smile slowly spread across her face making me smile also as she hugged me back. I guess she wasn't really expecting that because the expression on her face said it all.

She was such a sweet lady that was about in her mid sixties but you couldn't tell. She was such a beautiful woman. Her short cut hair complimented her face, her soft skin was a pretty peanut butter color, and her eyes were light brown. I enjoyed spending time with her while Shellz was away. I kept her occupied as she kept me company. This became a routine with us when I wasn't studying since he was always gone and barely home. We enjoyed each other's company and always had a great time off the simplest things. I guess that was my opportunity to get closer to grams and for her to get a chance to really get to know me.


The same day Shellz bought me here was the same day I met her. He let me get accustomed to my room while went to pick her up. He assisted that he take both of us out but she was against it and said a home cooked meal was always better. Shellz decided against it but she did what she wanted. I could see nothing he could say would change her mind so after a whole he gave up trying. Grams three her apron on in a quick heart beat while she played her radio. The music sounded the kitchen as she came back in the living room with something in her hand. She looks at me as he nodded for me to go over to see what she wants. I stood up off the couch as I walked over to her. She smiled and handed me the extra apron that was in her hand.

Don't believe for a minute that she just let me sit there and watch. soon as we got back to the kitchen we got to work. She taught me a lot of things when it came to cooking. She taught me things I could make for the days she would get sick and couldn't cook. I didn't find out she was sick until Shellz was out and called waking me up to check on her. He told me he had a bad feeling and was worried. I did what I was asked. That exact same day she sat me down and explained everything to me. From her sickness to Shellz mom leaving him. She told me she was glad I was around and that she loved me. That I wasn't like any other bitches that was after her grandson or for his money. She didn't tell me much about what Shellz did but that he would tell me when he felt the time was right. She also knew about me but didn't know about me. She said she felt it had to be someone or something that had caught her grandson's attention for him to be running rapid the way he did. I looked at her confused. He couldn't get anything pass her so he told her when and what she wanted to know she explained.

We had a thurl ass talk she kept all shit a bean from time in to time out. For an older lady I wasn't expecting that but it showed me a whole new outlook about her. She was classy but hood when she had to be. She told me it was all in the way you carried yourself. She saw a mini her in me.

After a while I felt drawn to her like I did with Mrs. Porter. It was a different type of mother figure but I was far from complaining. Anyone that wanted to fill that position I was more than satisfied with. At least someone cared enough about me to teach me how to be a young lady growing into a woman.

Grams taught me so many things because she knew I wouldn't forget and will catch on early to. She wanted me to prepare myself and help take care of her grandson in the future. I was shocked from her earnestness but happy as shit at the same time because she believed that me and Shellz would be together or did she know? Either way she told me I was the only girl he knew she would approve of that's why he let me meet her. It was only two other people she felt this vibe with and that was Hasheen and Shavar which was Hazy and Var. They all were brothers fuck being like they were. Even tho they had different moms you would never know cuz that's how close they were. They were the only two that knew where he lived at. Grams treated them like her own grandsons and they had her trust like I did.

Grams was real,genuine, and everything she did and told me was out of love. She could read people like a book and was never wrong when it came down to that person. She told me Shellz was the same way that's why he didn't fuck with too many people. His trust was something he never let anyone play with. When he was loyal to that person he was loyal no shaky shit about it.

This whole time of me staying here she never made me feel uncomfortable. She never questioned me about my family or why I was in her home it was none of that. She treated me like a grand daughter and she trusted me like Shellz did. Hands down this was the realist family I ever met real shit.

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