Never left my side

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I woke up in a hospital bed hooked up to all types of IV's. My eyes were burning trying to adjust to all the bright lights that surrounded me. How did I get here? What happened? I barely remembered anything. I knew that I wasn't in my right state of mind but how in the hell did I end up here? I knew better and could answer that question on my own. I wasn't paying attention, I wasn't focused, I wasn't watching my surroundings. I was so caught up in my own personal fight that went on in my head that I didn't notice what occurred until my whole life flashed before me in just minutes. After that every things was a blur. I didn't remember and I didn't know if I really wanted to honestly. So many things has been going wrong in my life I didn't want additionally problems. I felt like I couldn't deal with the shit going on now. I wanted to die and that say I thought I did. The additional problems only would make shit worst for me and right now I couldn't handle that. I lost my train of thought once again when I tried to move my body and didn't feel anything until seconds later. Majority of my body was sore but some of my limbs felt numb. Pain struck me every time I tried to move in a different position. My head felt wet as if my hair was sweating. I reached up to feel a bandage wrap around my head.

"What in da world"! I yelled as I reached behind me and tried to undo the big gauge.

I started to get overwhelmed when I couldn't get it to unravel. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. I tried to get out of the hospital bed when my legs wouldn't move and I fell, hitting the floor hard. The monitors started to go off when my IVs were pulled out my arms causing fluid to shoot everywhere and blood trickle out of my arms and hands.

"What is going on"!, the nurses yelled when they came rushing in the room.

I looked up at them but I couldn't respond. My words didn't want to come out and it wasn't any better that my mouth felt like cotton.

I pointed to my throat hoping that they would get the memo. They looked at me in astonishment. I looked at them confused as if I did something wrong. I broke the silent gazes when I tried to get up because by now I was tired of sitting on this hard ass floor and the gown they gave me didn't help. My bare ass was feeling the coldness of the damn floor, which wasn't pleasure at all. They rushed over and helped me get back into the bed. After I was settled in they put my IVs back in my arms and hands. I pointed to my throat again hoping that it was understood this time that I was fucking thirsty. A nurse returned to my room with a big white and blue Styrofoam cup. She placed the cup on my bed tray and put the straw in so I wouldn't have to grab anything.

I never thought of ice cold water tasting so good. The nurse had to tell me to slow down because I was drinking the water so fast I started to choke in the back of my throat.

"What happened to me" I asked when all the coughing settled down

"You were hit by a car and has been in an induced coma for a month now", the nurse replied.

My eyes felt like they were going to pop out my head when she informed me. Tears started to run down my face as I thought of me on the verge of my death bed. Something that I wished daily but never heeding the realization of it.

"You were bought to the hospital just in time. If you would have waited any longer you would have died. You lost a lot of blood that night".

"Who bought me here"?? I asked her with a confused look on my face as the tears still roamed freely down my cheeks.

"Mr. Johnson", she smiled and greeted him as a male figure walked in the door.

"Who the hell"



After that accident last month ago she hasn't came out of this coma. I still remember that night as the images replayed in my head from time to time. That night I was debating with myself on what I should do. I yelled at Hazy to get his car as I picked her body up off the pavement. Hazy drove while I held her the whole time in the back seat. Var was just quiet he was in the passenger seat looking out the window. I made her stay up because she tried to fall a sleep numerous of times. All she kept telling me was tired but I knew if I let her go to sleep she'd stay unconscious and might not wake up so that was out of the question.

When we pulled up to the hospital Var helped me get her out the car while Hazy ran in to get some help. Seconds later medical staff came running out with a stretcher. I laid her down on the stretcher as they pushed her away. I just stood there. I didn't know what to do from here. I didn't know her name so I couldn't give doctors much information about her. I'm guessing the lady asking me all these damn questions was the head nurse. I told her what I knew and she went on from that.

I told my mans they could leave but they just ignored me and stayed with me until we found out what the outcome was. Hours later the same nurse asking me all them fucking questions came up to me. I quickly arose from my seat to meet her face to face.

"Hello, I'm Nurse Simmons" she said as she shook my hand.

"Sedric Johnson" I replied.

"I cant tell you much since you don't have any relation to her, but I can say that she is alive and breathing".

I just looked at her like "bitch really". I was about to spazz on her ass until Var caught my vibe and stepped in.

"So you cant tell us anything else ma'am? We have been sitting here for hours and that's all you can say"?

"I'm sorry but I cant tell you anything else".


Hazy interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"Man lets just go"!

I gave that nurse a death stare and just turned around and walked away. Hazy followed as we walked out of the hospital and got into his car. Var came shortly after.

"I need a L man real shit"! I said a loud.

"You and me both" Hazy said as we all laugh and Var pulled off.


I decided that I just wanted to chill in the crib got the rest if that night. I was eventually going to link back up with my niggas later but right now I had too much on my mind. Shit was mad crazy. I couldn't stop thinking about her and that fucked my head up. I threw the bloody clothes that I had on in the trash then took a long hot shower. I just faced L after L and blew for the remainder of the night. I was in deep thought. My mind never rested when I was feeling like this way. I just laid there and thought about life and where I wanted to be in a couple of years. The smoke from the last blunt just lingered around my room as I laid there in bed drifting off.

Everything continuously replayed that night in my head. Over and over again, Damn.

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