Part 2!!!

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Lauren Kate Watters 2011 (C)

"Rain is falling down on the sidewalk I won't go until you come outside"

Part 2

Angel's POV

I called Poppy to tell her about my new neighbors and our little get together tonight she was ecstatic about it! Then I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to make lunch, "My Angel" Maria said in her Mexican accent "Maria" I smiled hugging her.

Maria was 35 she had shoulder lenght wavy brown hair, big brown eyes and smooth olive skin she never wore make up she was naturally beautiful I didn't understand why she was still single. My father hired Maria when I was born so my 'mother' didn't have to look after me and because she was Mexican, My father is Mexican so he wanted someone to teach me 'my language' as he said although I'm only half Mexican my mother is American.

"I'm going to make a sandwich, want one?" i asked opening the cupboard "No thank you, how do you say 'sandwich'?" Maria tested me "Umm...'La Torta'?" I mumbled "Correct" she smiled as I grabbed the peanut butter and jelly and made my sandwich.

"So Maria you know we have new neighbors...well I meet two of the boy's that live there Drew and Logan well...Drew kind of asked me to go over tonight is that ok?" I asked "Sure, but not to late" she smiled "Thanks Maria, and there dad is the owner of Black Hearts Inc." I said "Oh is that the song's you always sing?" she asked "Yeah..well he produces them" I smiled taking a bite of my PB&J "Is mum gone yet?" I asked "Yes she left a few minutes ago for the salon" Maria said she knew how much I 'disliked' my parents.

The salon, mall, or the bar at the contry club were my mothers favorite places to be, you can always find her at one of those if she's not passed out in her room or sleeping with Henry the pool boy in the pool house, true story I walked in on them a few months ago and the next day she brought me a new car a pink V'W bug so I wouldn't tell my father but I'm sure my father does the same when he 'works late' at the 'office'. 

"Don't do it Angel, don't do it" I cried in my bathroom as I sat on the edge of the bath "Don't do it" I cried as I opened the draw and picked up the razor blade and brought it to my wrist pressing down and slowly running in along over the old scars "Fuck" I yelped as the blood dripped down and the stinging began releasing all the built up anger inside of me.

I was a cutter

I started 2 years ago the night my mum told me she hated me and that I was a 'mistake', I needed away to focus pain some where else and it worked, it was wrong but it worked for me and I did it ever since, I stopped a few months ago but when I busted mum and Henry in the pool house I started again.

I know it's typical I'm emo so I hurt myself for attention but nobody knows about it I keep it to myself. I washed my wrist under the tap and lightly patted it dry with a towel flinching if I pressed to hard then I put a few silly-bandz over the scars then I went and cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up someone was in bed with me "ARG!" I screamed kicking them "Hey! it's me" Poppy laughed "Why didn't you wake me?" I said "Maria let me in and you looked so peaceful" she smiled shaking her head at me. Poppy was short and tiny with short dark blond hair and blue eyes, she had tanned skin with a few freckles on her nose; we had been bestfriends since we were 5.

"Ok now your up sleepy head tell me about Drew!" she giggled full of energy as always "Ok so he is amazingly hot, he has snakebites and stretchers in his ears and don't get me started on his abs" I gushed "So he's hotter than Harry?" Poppy asked Harry was my ex-boyfriend we dated for 6 months when we were 15 and I lost my virginity to him the next day he dumped me! "He is a million times better than Harry" I said "Ok let's get ready" I added more happier knowing I would see Drew again.

Poppy and I raided my closet I was going to wear my 'Black Hearts Inc.' tee but I thought I would look like an obsessed fan...which I'm not!...ok kind of just a little bit >_<. insted I went for a grey cotton dress that came just above my knees with an old vintage leather jacket and a pair of black army boots. I fixed my hair re-straightened it and put on some make up while Poppy got dressed. "So what's Logan like?" Poppy asked as I put on black eye shadow "He was nice, kind of a joker I guess" I said "Is he...cute?" she whispered "Um...You will just have to wait and see" I teased "No fair" she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Ok Poppy act cool don't be hyper" I said just as I rang the door bell at the Moore's front door "Got it...act cool" she smiled, The black door swung open Drew appeared he wore a pair of black skinny jeans black converse and a green tee to match his hat.

"Hey welcome to casa de la Moore" he smiled gesturing for us to enter "Hey thanks" I smiled "You look....great" he blushed "So do you" I said as Poppy cleared her throat "Oh..right Drew this is my totally awesome bestfriend Poppy Smith" I smiled "Nice to meet you" Drew said "Like your the guy Angel won't stop talking about" Poppy laughed "Oh...My friend the jokester" I fake laughed giving her a evil glare when Drew turned to walk us thought to the lounge room.

The lounge room had a red theme with framed movie posters on the walls "WOW! it's amazing" Poppy squealed "That's what she said" Logan said as he and the youngest brother walked injoining us "Hey Sammy come meet Angel and Poppy" Drew said he was cute with the same green eyes as Drew and Logan but his darker hair had a slight curl to it "Hey you must be Sammy" I smiled he smiled back angelically "I like your boobs" He said as Logan laughed "Good one little dude" "How old are you?" I asked trying not to laugh like the rest of the group was "5 but I'll be 6 soon...give me a chance baby" he winked "Wow am I really getting hit on by a 5 year old? Your brother is a straight up playa" I laughed

"I don't think Drew would like you hitting on his girl dude" Logan said "Ok can we leave Drew alone" Drew laughed "And by the way Logan this is Poppy...Poppy this is my brother Logan" Drew added "Nice to meet you" She said shyly, wait Poppy is never shy! maybe she likes Logan? "The pleasure is mine" Logan winked "let's go meet dad he's in the studio" Sammy said I was Going to meet Howard Moore!!! 

(A/N:) hope you like it! VOTE COMMENT AND FAN ME PLEASE!!! <3 <3

just wanted to say it got a bit full on with Angel cutting but i put it in so every one could see what a troubled life she has. Cuttin is a serious subject and should not be taken lightly or made fun of!!

xoxox i'll try uplaoding soon! laurenkate90

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