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A strong impact and a searing pain had me reeling to the floor, but I wasn't in agony for long. My senses faded quickly. The sounds around me had gone from fortissimo to pianissimo, and as my vision developed a vignette, I waited for my life to flash before my eyes. My exhausting existence had been a marathon I'd forced myself to run to meet society's ideals. And two weeks after turning thirty-two, I crossed life's finish line. Just not of my own volition. Outraged that the race was rigged, a young man chose to force a few people past the line before he crossed it himself. I don't know how many of us became victims to his internal demons, but the students filling the cafeteria, along with myself, had been right in their destructive path. Using my carb-loving body as Kevlar, I'd done my best to prevent at least one youth from being pushed out of his own existential Olympics too soon. It hadn't taken much thought. Any, for that matter. I placed myself in the way of those indiscriminate and rapid projectiles, driven only by the overpowering feeling of 'better me than them'.

Even with such a noble end, I wasn't able to replay my life in my fading mind. There hadn't been enough time. When all became silent and dark, I only had time for one clear thought. That everything was finally over . . . Until it wasn't.

Ghostpherein: A Shifting of LivesWhere stories live. Discover now