Chapter Two

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Hello, Mr. Kitty. Are you the lifeguard on duty? How lucky I am! I'm not going to freeze or starve to death after all. Instead, I will have my carotid artery chewed in half and disemboweled. At least someone benefits.

I was petrified. The giant cat was lying on its belly with its heavy head placed on its paws, quietly observing as I literally did nothing. Fortunately, Animal Channel had taught me not to run, or in this case swim, from predators. Unfortunately, I was neck-deep in water and had no way to make myself look large and intimidating. Forgetting how to scream, I stared into the golden depths of its irises. After an indeterminate amount of time, the staring contest ended. The mountain lion raised its body into a sitting position, cocked its head to the side, and then proceeded to lick the right side of my face, tasting me from chin to forehead. I am pretty sure, in addition to forgetting how to scream, I forgot how to breathe. The barbs on its tongue exfoliated better than any scrub on the market. It then gave my fur blanket and the bundle of sticks I had placed on the ground the side-eye, got up, and strolled out of the cavern through one of the tunnels leading deeper into the mountain.

I moved faster than any comic book superhero ever imagined, yeeted myself out of the pool, grabbed my fur blanket, and booked it into the tunnel Mr. Kitty hadn't taken. I didn't have a whole lot of other options. I could have, A, stayed in the cavern and become a meal; B, run back out through the tunnel I came in from and freeze to death outside; C, followed the kitty and refer to option A; or D, hoped the unoccupied tunnel led far away from my impending doom.

I couldn't keep up my superhuman speed for long because mere seconds after leaving the cavern, there were no more glowworms to light my path. If I didn't slow down in the dark, then I would add 'dying by blunt force trauma' to my expanding list of possible painful ends. I had to move horrifyingly slow, step by careful step, with my right hand following the wall.

Being careful was obviously not good enough in the pitch-black as I still managed to trip on something and land hard on my knees. "Unnnnnngg!" I couldn't help but groan in pain through clenched teeth. I didn't want to scream and attract my ravenous roomy to my side, but it felt as though I had just broken my legs. Salty tears streaked down my face as I stayed on all fours until the pain subsided and I could breathe again. It took me a bit longer than I would have liked to put strength back into my legs and attempt to stand. I reached my right arm out to the side in search of the wall to balance myself, but instead of cold stone, I felt thick, soft, and warm fur. The fuzzy handhold had the audacity to purr.

I blacked out at that point. Between dying, freezing, and coming face-to-face with four-inch canines, I had overloaded, and my brain decided it needed a reboot. I'm not sure how long I was out for, but when I came to, I was back by the spring, lying on a makeshift bed of animal pelts, covered in yet another pelt, with a warm campfire next to me. I was no longer wet or cold. It was surprisingly comfortable.

I stared stupidly at my new best friend, the fire, slowly processing the additions to my environment. Wanting to look around, I used my arms to sit up when an awkward cough caught my attention.


"It's good to see you awake. How are you feeling? Is it warm enough? Are you in pain anywhere?" asked a clear masculine voice.

He, very obviously 'he', stood inside the cavern near the tunnel through which the mountain lion had departed. He was at least six foot and possessed a long torso, broad shoulders, and upper arms nearly as thick as my thighs. His bronze, abundant muscles were well defined without an ounce of fat, and he had a six-pack of Hawaiian sweet rolls for abs. For fuck's sake, the only part of him not exposed for my viewing pleasure was hidden behind a thigh-length white pelt tied tight at the hip.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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