Love You Appa

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"Appa-No..don't....go!" Cried a little one inside his mama's embrace.  Kun struggle to free himself to stop his appa, but yixing unbothered walked inside the car, leaving poor cry even more.

Everyone looked at Kun in pity.


"Gege, do you want candy?" Yixing look down finding a boy looking at him in hope full eyes, that maybe this gege buy sweets from him.

Little one lift up his hand showing two lolly candies one of rabbit and other unicorn. 

Yixing took out his wallet and they exchanged the treatment. He watched Little one happily running towards his grandma who's selling candies on other side, showing her money he earn.  Hopefully he gave extra money.

Yixing look at the two lolly he bought, he's to mature to eat them now. He shook his head and put them into his coat pocket. And started to walk forward in china street. 


Well, family, that word always bothers him somehow. Yixing never got love  from his parents, actually they never loved him, expect his grandma.

Yixing, actually stayed with his grandma whole time. But after she died due to old age and yixing left with no choice but to stay with his parents house. From that day, his parents ruin his all dreams, his ambitions.  They decide his every activity,  even if yixing didn't wanted, he has to do.

They forced him to takeover the company,  forced to get marry and forced to give them heir. They forced him every now and then.

The day when junmyeon told him he's pregnant,  everything broke yixing apart. That moment he realised, his parents ruin his all dreams. That's why he hate that man and child alot.

But they says, some people are different,  they might change your perspective. But he's case is different.

Yixing watched the man in front of him bribing his twins in call while smiling widely. The successful man is better known to be heartless of all but this angle is totally different. 

"I'm sorry Mr.Zhang, Twins are sometimes too hyperactive and my Husband left with no choice and end up calling me, I apologise again. Can we resume the work?"

"It's ok Mr.Wu-" The door slammed loudly as the small figure barged in. They startled but fixed themselves quickly.


"I'm Sorry Mr.Wu and Mr.Zhang to barg in. But-t Can I have my lea-ve early? M-yy girl...she'...sick-". Baekhyun snobs while says.

"You can take leave Baekhyun, your girl and Minseok needs you more." Replied Yifan.

"Thank-k you so much Mr.Wu! I'm sorry again for disturbing you both." BaekHyun walked out hurriedly, leaving two CEO's alone again.

"It's better to resume now". Uttered yixing and yifan agreed.


"This is prefect!"

"We can add few more things." Replied yixing.

Yifan nodd his head and they started to packup their things. "Mr.Zhang Do you have any plan after this?" Yifan asked while closing his laptop. "My Husband, Chanyeol, Asked if you would love to join us for dinner " he completes.

"I have another meet after this Mr.Wu. Surely next time. Thanks for invitation. " Yixing decline the offer.

Yifan smile.

Family..... they'll probably use it as his weakness... yixing know it thoroughly.


"Why you didn't told me he call me this many times?" Yixing questioned his secretary who just gave him back his mobile. His secretary shrugged and left without replying. Yixing knows why. afterall, he ordered her not to answer his calls.

It made yixing curious for first time because all those past years junmyeon never called him 22times. As the same thought making furious and irradiated at the same time, yixing decided to callback.


"Xi-xing ku-n." 


"How's he?"

Junmyeon startled by deep voice from behind. He turn to look at the tall figure,  who's wearing black coat and immediately sprint into his embrace.

Yixing didn't hug back nor pushed junmyeon, he let the brunet cry out loud. Soon snobs slowed down and junmyeon moved back. Embarrassed.
Same time doctor came forward informing kun's condition.

The little one got few switches on forehead, chin and knees . As he was playing alone in garden, toddler got too excited and tried to jump from tall tree in junmyeon's absence.  That's how everything endedup here.

Yixing walked inside after conversation with doctor.  Kun was sobbing in junmyeon's arms.

Kun lift his arms indicating yixing to come, to which yixing accepted. 
Junmyeon left the both alone to have son and father's time. He's still afraid

"It huwrts app-a" kun points at his forehead. 

"It will get better...soon" he answered. 

"Really?" Yixing nod when his eyes widen. He checked his pocket to find something.

"Its for me!?" Kun took the lollys from yixing's hand. His eyes unexpectedly got teardup because first of all his appa came home early and second because appa gave him candy.

"I LOVE YOU APPA!" KUN stated moving closer to yixing embrace. 

Yixing ruffle his hair. Smiling for the first time.

Junmyeon smile. He's Surprised to see this Yixing, yet contended.

Even this little change is a big success.

Update: 15 Feb 2024
Total Words : 848

A reminder: 4 new chapters + 4 old <if u have read the old once ,free to skip then>

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