Jealousy Baby?

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He gasped unexpectedly after opening his eyes. Junmyeon eyes followed whole room until his eyes went on clock which showing 11:23 am 'Oh No' He scolded himself mentally for getting up late.

Yixing have left for office without breakfast, He felt scared knowing raven gets angry when he does not get his food on time and today He left with eating anything.  Junmyeon just hoped that he would have ate anything on the way.

He support his weak body to stand but apparently felt dizzy due to high fever he got from yesterday. 

With few encouraging words to himself junmyeon step down in hall to find kun. Though he could not play with him today but it worries him more with continuous Thought that His baby has still not filled his stomach yet. Junmyeon acknowledged himself the worst mother of all for not able to take care of his baby bun.

However to his surprise their's no source of kun not even baby's cry.

Panicked aroused when image of something bad happen to kun display infront of his eyes.

Collecting himself not to yet panic before he look whole mansion, junmyeon with heavy steps went to moist his throat just then his eyes landed on juice mug, lid placed in little disheveled with a note above saying 'he's with me. -ZhangYixing'.

For a moment junmyeon stayed still before sighing softly.

Hope kun did not create mess. He hoped.

Little one watch others giving him and his appa weird look. Though he does not know what weird meant to be. Kun shift uncomfortably, getting scared by two tall build men walking behind his appa while raven immediately became busy listening his schedules as he stepped inside the tall building.

Acting multitasking he carried baby in one hand and manage to use mobile at same time. Kun gave him superhero tag as a reward.

He turned to rest his cheeks over his appa's but raven instandly intruped, denying for skinship.

Little one pout cutely making silent guards chuckle.

Yixing put down the baby on matters, leaving him there to play with a pushie little brought with him. And went to resume his work however his gaze went on baby unexpectedly approaching him.

Kun watched his appa leaving him alone and he did not signed up loneliness.

Whirring his bum, kun clawed cutely towards his appa.

But did not called him surprisingly. He sat beside his foot, chewing, lifting, playing with pushie without anyone's disturbance ;he engaged himself like his father.

Yixing ignoring his actions focused on work. He did not have to look at kun time to time cuz He already filled his stomach and diaper changing?  His secretary will see that.

He mentally groaned ,feeling annoyed over brunet for getting sick all of sudden. Only if junmyeon had been awaken he does have left kun under his care.
The only purpose to bring him here is to save his files cuz everyone knows how much kun loves to visit his office and scrabble those important papers. He did not want to waste his time screaming at person never listens to him.

"Mr.Zhang" A woman walked in gaining attention from little one but not from CEO. Her high heels made sounds as she enter inside

"Here's the files." His secretary smiled flirty,  tugging hairs behind her ear smilishly.

Yixing took files ignoring her like she won't exists. Seeing him not looking at her beauty and beautiful dress she wore only for him, his secretary huff in annoy.

"Mr.Zhang." She tried to start a conversation. "If you're free at evening" Leaning seductively against the table."Will you go out-"


She startled over sudden cries including CEO.

"Bab-y?-" she mentally groaned.

" He's Hungry". Yixing fixed his eyes on her.

"Yes- I'll bring milk- yeah! Milk for him." She shuttered, glaring at little one, leaving office in hurry.

Yixing watched Kun cries but with no tears streaming down. Sort to get attention or maybe jealous.

Does this small human got jealous for a reason? 

He sighed heavily looking at his watch, four hour went off without his aware.

Yixing's gaze accidentally went over figure lying on the mattress, comfortably sleeping while curling his body into ball.

He let out a small inaudible chuckle before picking him and laying on couch, using his think coat to cover his body.

Maybe he's so small to think of this but kun will never(ever) like to share his appa with anyone, expect his mama.

Update : 15 Dec 2024
Total Words : 751

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