why such hatred?

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"Marlone..?" eclair said waking up. "what the fu-" "okay never mind" eclair said. "I wonder what happened during school.." she thought in her mind. "eclair." the voice echoed in eclairs head. "ECLAIR!" her teacher yelled. "huh..?!" "you may NOT sleep in class! go to the principals OFFICE!" yelled the teacher. a couple girls laughed. "bitch" she quietly whispered. after school she gathered up with her friends and told her about the "dream" she "had". "hey guys..?" "yeah whats up?" Andre said. "i had this dream today, and i dreamt that we ALL went into the woods." "wait hold on.. rosetta and scarlet went missing and they sent out a alert during class." said aurora. "i think we have to investigate this." Marlone said. "i think we shall have to go to the woods tomorrow." "alright!" said andre. "see y'all tomorrow!" said marlone." as they all walked in different directions, eclair felt weird. she felt worser and worser. almost as she felt like vomiting. she ignored the feeling. at night she couldn't sleep because of the bearing pain. she coughed and coughed until she couldn't breathe. she coughed up green blood. "what the hell is this..?" she said. she again felt like vomiting but she had the urge to cough up blood and vomit at the same time. she couldn't resist the urge, so she vomited and it was all "green goo". she had a terrified look on her face. "WHAT THE FUCK??". she got dizzier and dizzier. *heavy breathing* *cough cough*. she passed out.

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