Chapter 7

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In a boat in the middle of a lake, in the mountains which Night Raid has set up their temporary hideout, it's been a month since they've arrived, Akame and Susanoo sit back to back, fishing rods in hand, Akame snacking on a riceball, before soething massive sends ripples throughout the lake, and something tweaks Akame's line

Akame:I got something!

Susanoo turns to look at her and is immediately distracted by a stray grain of rice stuck to her face, he plucks it off without her even noticing

Susanoo:All right!

Meanwhile directly in front of him a fish big enough to swallow the both of them whole has leaped out of the water at him, it takes him hardly two seconds to bring his club up and jab it into the fish so hard it immediately dies

Akame:Tonight'll be a feast, huh, Suu!

Later that night, Night Raid is assembled in the dining room, finishing up the massive fish they ate for dinner

Leone:Suu's food sure is good! The fatigue from training just flies away!
Akame:Thanks Suu!
Sheele:It's very appreciated
Najenda:Like I said, Susanoo is amazing! Do you all understand
Calin:With a Teigu like him I'm surprised the revolutionary army let you keep him
Najenda:Until now Susanoo was sleeping, but he started moving in response to me
Akame:Nice boss!
Najenda:Well what is it... it must be... my charisma...
Susanoo:Najenda looks exactly like my old master
Leone:I see
Najenda:I'm sure she was a wonderful person
Calin:Why don't you tell us about her
Susanoo:Yeah... He was a wonderful general!!!

Leone is unable to hold in her snickers for more than a moment before busting into full laughter

Leone:She looks exactly like a man he says! As expected of our boss who's often called a hunk!!
Calin:Leone you should really stop- oh it's too late

The creaking of a metal fist can be heard as Najenda does the prosthetic equivalent of cracking her knuckles

Calin:Boss, I assure you, other than Susanoo cause he's weird, nobody else wold mistake you for a man, you are unmistakably a woman, even if you like wearing clothes like suits, though personally I think those look good on you

Najenda pauses for a moment as a minor blush sprouts on her face before wholloping Leone over the head

Lubbock meanwhile is sitting on a couch on the other side of the room by Mine

Lubbock:Everyone's completely gotten attached to Suu, he's stolen my position from me!
Mine:Now now you're still maintaining your current gag position
Mine:Oh, it's a margue panther kitten, these guys aren't scared of people, huh

The random cat that has wandered into the assasin team's house wastes no time zeroing in on Mine as she's eating cake and hopping on the couch with her, nuzzling her side

Mine:What is it? I'll tell you upfront yo're not getting any

The cat stares deep into her eyes, the infinite power in the gaze immediately breaking her will can't be helped

Mine does the irresponsible thing and cuts a portion of the cake to feed to the cat uncaring of how that would likely wreck its digestive system, seeing this the cat immediately jumps at her, snatching the entire plate from her hand before landing on the floor and turning into Chelsea

Chelsea:Fufufu, it's all mine meow
Chelsea:Haha, Mine, you have far too many openings
Lubbock:So you can even transform into a small cat
Chelsea:Yeah, I can transform into whatever I want, isn't it useful? My Teigu, Gaea foundation

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