𝖈𝖍. 𝖛 𝖕𝖙. 𝖎𝖎𝖎 ; out from the lost and found.

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' Hey, it's JJ's brainchild. I'm just along for the ride.'




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partners in crime - finneas

Did you look like mine?

Or did we look like fools,

Tryna get away with it all?

Thinkin' we'd be saved by a call.





I bolt up the Chateau, clutching my hefty bag of my mother's journals tight to my chest. Excitement courses through me as I trudge up the stairs, forgetting all about the soggy mess I left behind when I stormed through the rain earlier, pissed off as hell.

But none of that matters now. I've stumbled onto something that could unravel everything, possibly even spring John B from his jail cell.

"Kie? Pope?" I call out into the dimly lit house, my brow furrowing when I hear no response.

Stepping inside cautiously, my senses are on high alert in case I'm walking into another Rafe and Barry shitshow. As I push open the door to John B's room, what greets me makes me scream like a banshee.

"Oh, shit! My bad!" I stammer, hastily trying to shield my eyes behind the door, because lo and behold, my friends are going at it like there's no tomorrow, right there on my cousin's bed.

"Lai." Kiara pants, her gaze flicking up to meet mine as she awkwardly adjusts her top.

Pope, still tangled up with Kiara, looked up, his expression a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Hey, uh, surprise?"

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