Years past

45 1 1

Location: Japan
City: Tokyo
Date: 2/16/20**

The city was completely gone nothing was left but ash and dust, as Godzilla Jr (now fully grown) got up weakly as flesh and bone was exposed across Jr's body, arms and legs before completely healing as jr looked around only hearing nothing a sadden roar escaped his mouth as Shield, the Averagers and what was originally the Saint Helios empire which were overwhelmed by the Grimm goddess Salem who was killed by Jr's father when he fighting Destroyah which led Jr's first death.

Jr shivered remembering that seeing his mother cry seeing her baby in so much pain and suffering as her assistant help her escape as Gojira was coming their way. Then his father gave everything he had up until he died.

Jr walked through the non radioactive debris after absorbing the radioactive material. He wondered where his small uncle was going... unless he became Destroyah and died in the process permanently. Ironic he thought, now he was "the strongest creature alive" on this planet. As he reached the beach and started walking further into the ocean until he was completely underwater and swam into the ocean trying to locate his mother... only to find nothing. Sure the young countries that were here, were gone forever taken away by an unseen force.

Aa Godzilla jr swam past South America and into the Atlantic Ocean heading towards the last place and beginning of his journey Germany. Here mother was "hired" by the strange man. He even smelled weird as well.

Soon Godzilla (Jr) Rex saw a portal opened up in front of him seeing to was too late to turn swam head on and soon disappeared from earth altogether.

After all he took everything jr loved now he's coming home and nothing would get in his way.



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Planet: Remnant
Location: Kingdom of Mistral 
City: Mistral ocean bay
Time: 2000 hours (8:00 pm)

A loud and bright beautiful light blue flashed violently as several explosions and a massive water column rocked up into the sky as the people of Remnant panicked and cried out as a lone Atlas flying cruiser flew overhead as its captain wondered what Grimm was attacking at this hour.

As a massive 120 meter all "Grimm" Kajiu appeared and giving out a powerful roar heard from three miles away and looked up confused by it before the flying ship opened fire hitting Godzilla burning him with whatever it was leaving a scorched mark on his chest as Jr fired his atomic breath smacking the unfortunate crusier causing it to explode on impact as it was ripped in half and both sides fell into the ocean as Jr didn't move from his position sniffing the air and looking around he noticed something. It was small but noticeable. He turned around and sniffed one last time before getting it. He then walked into the ocean and started swimming towards the place wondering here was he.... And wondered if mother was here as well hiding somewhere....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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